1. 研究目的与意义
The Golden Notebook is regarded as the milestone offeminism and is widelyrecognized the companion piece of TheSecond Sex written by the British famous feminist Simonede Beauvoir. The theme of The GoldenNotebook is always a hot topic both at home and aboard. It consists of onenovel- Free Women- and fournotebooks-the black notebook, the red notebook, the yellow notebook, and theblue notebook. The structure of TheGolden Notebook adds more novelty to it, since it interlards the fournotebooks into the novel. What makes it stand out of other similar novels isits coverage and depth of study. Researchers always pay their attention to thetheme like feminism, dissociation and integration, plight and self-salvation andetc. There are a few comments given from the aspect from freedom and acombination of freedom and feminism. This thesis will try to analyze the themeof the Consciousness of Freedom in TheGolden Notebook from the Aspect of Feminism.
Feminism is always the hot topic of our times, and there stillexists many unfair treatments towards women, for example, when something badhappens on a woman/girl, there are always comments like: #8220;Is the woman/girl dress too little?#8221;. Women are always the one whostay at home, deal with the family affairs and take care of children. Althoughthings become better nowadays, the unfairness is still deep rooted. What#8217;sworse, many women have already taken it for granted, for they think that it isthe exact thing women should do. The consciousness of freedom is of equalimportance. When the people would like to stand up to speak for themselves, thedevelopment will be something expected. Only in theses ways, the situation willat least be changed.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Thethesis will mainly focus on the dilemmas and extrications in The Golden Notebook, including theself-identification of writing career in the black book, the sobriety ofpolitical life in the red book, the independence of emotional experience in theyellow book and the integration of spiritual career in the blue book. By lookinginto the way in which Anna finds integration, the thesis will reflect on theways to achieve freedom.
1. Dilemmasand Extrications in the four notebooks in TheGolden Notebook.
3. 国内外研究现状
TheGolden Notebook is made up of Free Women and four notebooks of Anna, namely, the black book, thered book, the yellow book and the blue book. It is universally called the Bibleof feminism. The Nobel Committee for Literature praised that The Golden Notebook was an epiphany foran entire generation of women.
TheGolden Notebook came out in the 1960s when thesecond wave of feminism gained momentum. Then the book swept across the countryas a symbolism of feminism. Although DorisLessing herself denied the type of review in 1971, both the foreign anddomestic researchers put emphasis on the theme of feminism. The Golden Notebook is recognized inforeign countries as the companion piece of TheSecond Sex written by the French famous feminist Simone de Beauvoir. BaiAixian(2005) thought Lessing expressed the feminist ideas on the discussionover issues such as the relationship between the men and women.
4. 计划与进度安排
2022.11.8:Searching for the references, choosing the topic and writing the outline
2022.11.9-2022.11.20:Referring to the thesis of others and writing the research proposal
2022.11.21-2022.3.7:Integrating the good points of others, and writing the first draft of the paperaccording to the outline
5. 参考文献
1. Carey, J. L. (1973).Art and reality in 'the golden notebook'. Contemporary Literature, 14(4), 437.
2. de Beauvoir, Simone.(1989). The Second Sex. UK: Vintage.
3. Jo-Ann, M. (2004). TheGolden Notebook. Dissent, 51(3), 87-90.
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