Analysis of Theme of “Life and Death” in Sula from the Perspective of Feminist Ethics开题报告

 2022-07-30 15:02:18

1. 研究目的与意义

Inrecent years, studies on Toni Morrison#8217;s works have become the hotspot issuesamong British and American scholars. Some critics choose to analyze this novelfrom the perspective of traditional literary criticism, such as character,artistry, and writing style. A large number of people analyze it with modernand post-modern western theories of criticism. However, Few people choose theperspective of feminist ethics for research.

This paper focuses on theperspective of feminist ethics, intending to show the readers the strongfeminist style in this novel and highlight the influence and contribution ofthis novel for feminism. It is also important to lead readers to have a deeperthinking about the female characters in the novel and the American black womenin reality. What#8217;s more, providing the audience with a new angle to enjoy thiswork which combines ideological content and artistic quality can help peoplewell understand Sula#8217;s connotation of feminism and nationalism.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Thispaper intended to focus on analyzing theme of #8220;life and death#8221;from the perspective of feminist ethics, as well as present the strong feminist stylein this novel, highlight the influence and contribution of this novel forfeminism

The paper is divided into five parts. The first part gives a briefintroduction about the original book , including the relationship between themain characters and the mian story line. The second part is going to introduce thefeminist ethics, covering its origin, development and positive significance.The third and fourth part is going to analyze the theme of #8220;life and death#8221;mainly from the description of three characters. Also, their connections withdifferent kinds of ethics is important. The last part is the conclusion.

3. 国内外研究现状

1. Introduction

Toni Morrisonis a Nobel Prize-winning American writer, and her novelsare known for their epic themes, focusing on revealing the mental damage of theblack women under the racial oppression and sexualdiscrimination. In recent years, the study on Toni Morrison#8217;s works has becomethe hotspot issues among British and American scholars. Sula, her secondnovel to be published after The Bluest Eye, attracted a lot of scholars#8217; attention. Some peoplechoose to analyze this book from the perspective of traditional literarycriticism, such as character, artistry, and writing style. A large number ofpeople analyze it with modern and post-modern western theories of criticism. Forexample, myth-archetype criticism, post-colonialism, and psychoanalysis. What#8217;smore, some critics try to explore the theme of #8220; death#8221; in Sula.

2. Findings at abroad


4. 计划与进度安排

1. Introduction

2. ThePerspective of Feminist Ethics

2.1. Origin


5. 参考文献

1. Barbara T. Christian,#8220;Layered Rhythms: Virginia Woolf andToni Morrison#8221;, in Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. 39(Fall/ Winter 1993),p. 483, p. 489.

2. Nellie Y. Mckay ed., Critical Essays on Toni Morrison,Boston: G. K. Hall Co., 1988, p. 25.

3. Missy Dehn Kubitschek, Toni Morrison: a CriticalCompanion, Westportt: Greenwood Press, 1998, p. 54.

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