A Study on the E-C Translation Strategies of Puns in Advertisements开题报告

 2022-08-01 20:37:49

1. 研究目的与意义

As an important part in the process of global economic integration, advertisements influence many aspects of modern society. The purpose of advertisement is to let customers buy goods, so there will be diverse rhetorical devices in advertising language. Pun is one of the most commonly used rhetorical devices in advertising language. Previous translation theories focused on the contrast between the target text and the original text, and studied the translation of puns purely from the perspective of language conversion. Puns are formed by the specific pronunciation and writing of a language, so puns have long been considered untranslatable due to the linguistic and cultural differences between the two languages. There is no absolute equivalence between two languages. It is necessary to find the most natural and close equivalence with the original text to achieve the ideal translation. Although puns can be lost in translation, translators can make up for them in various ways to achieve similar results. Advertisement has its special functions and language features as a special style of writing, which determines that advertising translation not only follows the general rules of translation, but also has its special standards and characteristics, so as to achieve the ultimate commercial purpose of advertising. This is of great significance in translation practice.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1. Research content

This paper studies the theoretical framework of advertising pun translation based on the translation strategies of advertising pun in English and Chinese.

2. Research questions


3. 国内外研究现状

1. The definition of advertising
The origin of English word “advertise” is the word “advert ere” from Latin. It means “to let someone know something”. According to Longman Contemporary English-Chinese Dictionary (Pearson Company, 2004), it defines advertisement as: 'the business which concerns itself with making known to the public what is for sale and encourage them to buy, especially by means of pictures in magazines, notices in newspapers and messages on television.' Rein (1982) defined advertisement slogans as 'a unique phrase identified with a company or brand'. And he noted that slogan is the theme of advertisement, the slogan should be unforgettable and brief. These definitions mean that advertisement can be used for commerce to promote goods through several channels.
2. The definition of pun
In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (Pearson Company, 2014) defines pun as “an amusing use of a word that has two or more different meanings, or words with the same sound and spelling but different meanings.” The Oxford English Dictionary defined a pun as 'the use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same sound with different meanings, so as to product a humorous effect, a play on words.' According to the definition, it proved that pun is a rhetoric device with amusing and humorous effect so that it can draw people’s attention to read and get the connotation in it. From the aspect of linguistic part, a pun is segmented into two or more meanings by means of the same spelling and consonance. In these ways, a pun can achieve the effect of humor and witness.
Here are some examples of puns.
'Smooth as silk.' (Salem, 2012) It is an advertising slogan of Thai airways. On one hand, the word 'smooth' is a pun on the smooth surface of silk and, on the other hand, the smooth flight of Thai airways.
'It''''''''s the going thing.' (Urdang. L., amp; Robbins, C., 1984) There are three puns in the word 'going'. It means 'on-going', 'popular', and 'mobile'.
'Every kid should have an Apple after school.' (2015, 卜薛婧)This is the slogan of Apple''''''''s advertisement in which 'apple' is a pun, suggesting that every child should eat an apple after school and should have a laptop of his own. Every child should have an apple after school. Use quotation marks to indicate a pun on the word 'apple.'
3. The translatability of puns
The translation of pun is difficult, but according to A. V. Fedorov and Nida, everything can be translated and the nature of a language is translatability. Nida expressed that despite the seemingly vast differences in language structure and cultural characteristics, the impossibility of translation will not surprise anyone who works in language translation. Instead, they will be surprised that effective interlingual communication is always possible. (Nida, 1975) Zhuang said that the basis of translatability also depends on the broad similarity of the various languages. Language and thought are the expressions of real life in the objective world. English and Chinese, for example, have similar grammatical functions. Second, both languages have similar sentence patterns. Therefore, it is not impossible to convert content from the source language into a target language with the same semantics.
4. Previews on puns in advertising translation
Lin jihong (2002) analyzed the translation of puns in Chinese advertisements based on the Skopos theory, whose representative is Hans T. Vermeer. According to Skopos theory, the text of the source language cannot be translated into the text of the target language. The translation must be modified according to the social background and cultural customs of the target language. Lin also discusses the translation mode of the pun in the advertisement from the perspective of the version function of the target language.
Huang Jie studied the pun translation in advertisements based the theory of Nida. According to Nida''''''''s idealized definition of functional equivalence, the requirement of translation is that the readers of the target text can basically understand and appreciate the target text in the way that the original readers understand and appreciate the original text. In order to achieve this effect in the translation of pun, both the signified meaning and pragmatic meaning of pun must be reflected in the translation. Due to the limitation of translatability of puns, the translatability limit of puns is low.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. Introduction

1.1 Research background

1.2 Research questions


5. 参考文献

A. S.Hornby. (2014). Oxford Advanced Learner’sEnglish Chinese Dictionary. Beijing: The Commercial Press.

Lems, K. (2011). Pun work helps English learners get the joke. Reading teacher, 65(3), 197-202.

Nida, E. A. (1975). Language Structure and Translation. Standford: Standford UniversityPress.

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