1. 研究目的与意义
With the rapid development of economy, domestic import and export business also develops rapidly as well,translated advertisements play an increasingly important role in promoting the sales of commodities. however, many mistakes and confusions, even misunderstandings have arisen from the current English translations. This paper, from the pragmatic and cross-cultural communication perspective, aims to analyze translated published and printed promotional products of export commodities on domestic newspapers and periodicals, and reveals advertisement translation in cross-cultural communication linguistic pragmatic failure and social pragmatic failure, and then improve the quality and effect of English advertisements.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Advertising is something that we are all exposed to and it is likely to affect most of us in different spheres of our lives. This paper focuses on cross-cultural pragmatic failure in hybrid advertising language. Advertising is something that we are all exposed to and it is likely to affect most of us in different spheres of our lives. This paper focuses on cross-cultural pragmatic failure in hybrid advertising language, and it surrounds questions about the definition and classification of pragmatic failures, causes of pragmatic failures in translated advertisement and strategies to avoid pragmatic failures. Abstract: 1. introduction 1.1 what is pragmatic failure 1.2 advertising language 2. pragmatic failures in translated ads 2.1 criteria of pragmatic failure judgement 2.2 grammatical errors 2.3 phenomenon on violating cooperative principle deliberately 2.4cultural diversity 3. causes of pragmatic failures 4. strategies to avoid and reduce pragmatic failures 5. conclusion
3. 国内外研究现状
Advertising, as such an important tool for a company to promote its products, has aroused great interest in linguistics. The main purpose of advertising language is to arouse consumer desire to buy and left a deep and good impression to consumers on advertising goods, so as to achieve the purpose of sales promotion. As Wang shuhuai pointed out that, #8220;the purpose of advertising is AID-MA #8221;(attention, interest, desire, desire, memory, action). Similarly, advertising translation should also be regarded consumers#8217; buying action of this ultimate purpose as the value orientation. Otherwise, advertising translation will have no significance, not only the translation has failed to promote product sales but also produced great negative impact on the sale of goods. Since the 80s of the last century in the mid-1990s, the research of advertising language is scattered in individual foreign language periodicals, while domestic advertising translation studies officially started began in the last century in the early 1990s. According to Miller, most of our misunderstandings of other people are not due to any inability to hear them or to parse their sentences or to understand their words. A far more important source of difficulty in communication is that we often fail to understand a speaker#8217;s intention. As regards pragmatic failure was coined by Thomas firstly in 1983. Thomas has set a theoretical framework or the analysis of pragmatic failure and cultural transfer, and then many linguists both at home and abroad have explored the phenomenon of pragmatic failure and got a great number of fruits in this field. To begin with, we should first make clear the two levels of speaker meaning. Generally speaking, a speaker#8217;s linguistic competence would be made up of grammatical competence (abstract or decontextualized knowledge of intonation, phonology, syntax, semantics, etc.) and pragmatic competence (the ability to use language effectively in order to achieve a specific purpose and understand the language in context). This parallels Leech#8217;s division of linguistics into grammar (by which he means the decontextualized formal system of language) and pragmatics (the use of language in a goal-oriented speech situation in which S (the speaker) is using language in order to produce a particular effect in the mind of H (the hearer)).Leech (1983) suggests that the semantics/pragmatic distinction can be equated, at least in part, with the distinction between #8216;sentence meaning#8217; and #8216;speaker meaning#8217;―a useful definition which unfortunately obscures the fact that there are several levels of#8216; speaker meaning#8217;. As the carrier of both culture and economy, advertising has inevitably been a popular subject for researchers in such fields as linguistics, sociology, anthropology and marketing. Among numerous studies of advertising, the language of advertising has drawn Particular attention. In the Past three or four decades, a great number of Research results have been witnessed in advertising language both at home and abroad. Geoffery N. Leeeh(1966) has described the linguistic devices employed by advertisers from a linguistic perspective completely in his English in advertising: A Linguistic study of advertising in Great Britain. Since then, more and more linguists have begun to study advertising language from the perspective of Pragmatics and stylistics. In China, there are still a great many of scholars who have contributed to the study of advertising language, such as QiYunfang(2003) and LiuFaguo(2003). On the whole, linguists both abroad and at home have analyzed advertising language. Not only from its lexical, syntactic and the rhetorical features, but also from the perspective of pragmatics and stylistics. Advertising language has received extensive study in the field of linguistics. However, the analysis of business English has not been paid much attention to. Although it has enjoyed increasing popularity since the last decade. Business English is English especially related to international trade. It is a specialism within English Language learning and teaching. Many non-native English speakers study the subject with the goal of doing business with English-speaking countries, or with companies Located outside the AnglosPhere but which nonetheless use English as a shared Language or lingua franea. Much of the English communication that takes Place within business circles the world over occurs between non-native speakers .Therefore, advertising English is a typical form of Business English. The author attempts to attach great importance to the investigations of pragmatic c failures in English advertisements for Chinese Products, with an aim to promote the study of business English. In fact, Jenny Thomas#8217; article #8220;Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure#8221; has set a theoretical framework for the analysis of pragmatic failure and culture transfer. Many linguists have expressed their opinion in this field. Qian Guanlian argues that pragmatic failure can occur among the communicators speaking the same language and the communicators speaking the different language as well. From this angle, he claims the existence of the interlingua pragmatic failure, or cross-cultural pragmatic failure, and intralingua pragmatic failure. the term #8220;pragmatic failure#8221; can be explained more exactly by a famous Chinese linguist, He Ziran: if the speaker#8217;s utterance is grammatically right, but in the inappropriate occasion, or does not accord with the habitual expression of native speakers, we take this kind of mistake as pragmatic failure. With the development of external economy, international advertising has become a Significant means to exploit foreign market. Based on the fact, English ads have been Extensively adopted by Chinese corporations to Promote sales. However, the market Effects of some ads are not good as expected because of Pragmatic failure. Along with the existence of the Phenomena, there is an urgent need to increase the quality of English ads for Chinese Products to expand markets. Despite the efforts made, I am keenly aware of my own limitations as well.
4. 计划与进度安排
5. 参考文献
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