Thematic Study on Human and Nature in Moby Dick开题报告

 2022-07-29 11:22:57

1. 研究目的与意义

Human and nature, it is always an interesting topic. What is the relationship between them? Friendly or hostile? Human need to conquer and occupy in order to survive andit is inevitable that it creates conflict between human and nature. Moby Dick depicts a scene where human treat nature like an enemy and try to conquer it, in the end both sides lost. It shows us the severe consequence when human and nature cannot coexist. The book is a good inspiration that when the ambitious human meet nature, fight and conquer won`t bring victory.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Symbolism in Moby Dick. The evil side of human and the obedience inside human. Ambitious and courageous spirit inside human.The power of nature.How to approach coexistence between human and nature. The meaning of human having harmonious relationship with nature.

3. 国内外研究现状

Moby Dick was a commercial failure at the time of the author''s death in 1891, but during the 20th century, its reputation as one of the greatest American novels was established. In the last few decades, lots of scholars have devoted themselves in the study of symbolism on which the book focuses, also the relationship between human and nature. Previous research focus on the symbolic meaning of main characters such as: Ahab, ishmael, the whale, starbuck, pequod.

4. 计划与进度安排

Introduction1.The life of Herman Melville2.The background of moby dickBody1 the study on nature1.1 the white whale1.1.1 features of the whale1.1.2 symbolic meaning of the whale1.2 the ocean1.2.1features of the ocean1.2.2symbolic meaning of the ocean1.3 the Pequod1.3.1 features of the Pequod1.3.2symbolic meaning of the Pequod2 the study on human2.1 captain Ahab2.1.1 features of captain Ahab2.1.2 symbolic meaning of captain Ahab2.2 Ishmael2.2.1features of Ishmael2.2.2symbolic meaning of Ishmael2.3 evil inside human beings2.4 obedience inside human beings3 the relationship between human and nature3.1 evil inside human beings and the nature3.2 obedience inside human beings and the nature3.4 the idea of coexistence between human and natureConclusion

5. 参考文献

陈秋红的《〈白鲸〉象征意义的文化阐述》(外国文学研究,1997年第2期)李世存的《评梅尔维尔的〈白鲸〉》(华东理工大学学报,社会科学版,2003年第1期)Berthoff, Warner. (1962). The Example of Melville. Reprinted 1972, New York: W.W. Norton.Bezanson, Walter E. (1953). ''Moby-Dick: Work of Art.'' Reprinted in Parker and Hayford (2001).Gale, Robert L. (1972). Plots and Characters in the Fiction and Narrative Poetry of Herman Melville. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: The MIT Press.Wright, Nathalia. (1940). 'Biblical Allusion in Melville''s Prose.' American Literature, May 1940, 185#8211;199.

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