An Analysis of Buck in “The Call of the Wild”开题报告

 2022-07-29 12:57:29

1. 研究目的与意义

The Call of the Wild is one of the masterpieces of the great American writer Jack London. This essay discusses the author#8217;s viewpoints and philosophy of his life by analyzing Buck#8217;s character changing. In this essay it will mainly analyze, through #8220;Survival of the Fittest#8221; Theory, the complicate characters of Buck, which is of a great enlightening significance to modern people.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will give a brief introduction of The Call of the Wild, mainly focused on Buck who is the key figure of this book. The first part is an introduction of #8220;Survival of the Fittest#8221; Theory. Then, the paper will focus on experiences of Buck in this novel. The third part will analyze through this theory the complicate characters of Buck.

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches on the study of The Call of the Wild made by both Chinese and foreign scholars. Jack London, as one of the most representative writers of America, wrote many novels involved culture and backgrounds of American society of that time. In foreign countries, studies on this novel mainly focus on writing styles, while in China, studies are most about implied meaning of contents.

4. 计划与进度安排

1 Introduction1.1 Introduction of Jack London1.2 Background of The Call of the Wild2 The #8220;Survival of the Fittest#8221; Theory3#8220;Survival of the fittest#8221; theory in The Call of the Wild3.1 Acquisition of Buck''''s ability 3.1.1 How to become a sledge dog 3.1.2 How to live in the north .3.1.3 How to repay an obligation 3.2 The Analysis of Buck in #8220;Survival of the Fittest#8221; theory3.2.1 The Super dog Image of Buck 3.2.2 The Analysis of the Return of Buck 4Conclusion.

5. 参考文献

[1] Jack#8226; London, The Call of the Wild and White Fang [M]. N.Y. The Bantam Books, 1981. [2]杰克#8226;伦敦.野性的呼唤[M].孙法理译.南京:译林出版社,2011. [3]漆以凯.杰克伦敦和他的小说[M].北京:北京出版社,1981.[4]Fred Erisman and Richard W. Etulain, Fifty Western Writers, A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook[M]. Greenwood Press, 1982.[5]Pier, Donald, American Realism and Naturalism[M]. Shanghai, Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press, 2000

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