英语灾难新闻中的批评性话语分析Critical Discourse Analysis on English News of Disasters开题报告

 2023-01-06 16:10:26

1. 研究目的与意义



2. 文献综述

With a long history,Discourse Analysis(DA)can be traced back to the rhetorics of ancient Greece and Roman times.Originated in the 1950s,DA has become a complex,interdisciplinary research field.From different research perspectives,the researchers hold different definitions of discourse and discourse analysis. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA),also termed as Critical Linguistics,is a new branch of Linguistics.CDA was first proposed by Roger Fowler as Critical Linguistics(CL)in the book Language and Control in 1979.Since the birth of it,CDA has been drawing increasing attention from scholars.It integrates such several disciplines as linguistics,sociology,psychology,ethnography and the mass media,etc.,and forms a perspective of theorizing in modern linguistics,getting its own development.CDA is concerned with the inequality and bias of linguistic phenomenon in social reality,aiming to find out the nature of language so as to disclose the relation between language,power and ideology through analyzing the surface linguistic structure.It provides the analytical approaches to studying ideology embedded in the news discourse.Since CDA believes that discourse is a form of social action,what it deals with is not only the linguistic level,but the text in social practice.So far,western researchers have brought forward a series of approaches to conduct critical analysis of discourses.Likewise,in China,many scholars have shown a growing attention on CDA and adopt it to analyze different discourses.Public discourses,including news discourses,official legal documents and political speeches,etc.,have often been of great interest to critical linguists,being the main object of the critical studies.News reports,as one of the most popular public discourses,are important channels of information transmission in modern society,exerting extensive effects on peoples life.However,most of the previous studies are more or less politics-oriented.Disaster news reports draw quite little attention.Therefore,the present study will take disaster news reports as the object of critical discourse analysis in the hope of filling the gap. In recent years,disaster news,an issue gaining global concern,has been widely covered by news media.The seemingly objective and impartial news discourse actually embeds a certain ideology,which will exert a subtle influence on the formation of public ideology.As a result,it is of vital importance to guide the mass audience to enhance its critical consciousness and improve its sensitivity towards the power and ideology hidden in the disaster news report.For this reason,this study is to select natural disaster news as the object of discourse analysis to make a supplement to the existing critical discourse analysis. In this research,with reference to the previous achievement of CDA and studies on news discourses,and based on the characteristic of news discourses,this thesis proposes a set of analytic methods under the frame work of Faircloughs Three-Dimensional Theory and Hallidays Systemic Functional Grammar(SFG) as theoretical and analytical foundations respectively. According to Fairclough(1989:25),discourse involves social conditions which relate to three different levelsof social organization,namely,the level of the social situation,or the immediate social environment in which the discourse occurs;the level of the social situation which constitutes a wider matrix of the discourse;and the level of the society as a whole. Fairclough thus proposes a three-dimension framework in accordance to the three levels of social organization and believe that discourse-as-text,i.e.the linguistic features and organization of concrete instances of discourse,such as,choices and patterns of vocabulary and grammar;the second dimension is discourse-as-discursive-practice,i.e.discourse as something that is produced,circulated,distributed,and consumed in society;the third dimension is discourse-as-social-practice,i.e.the ideological effects and hegemonic processes in which discourse is a feature.On the analytical level,in spite of a variety of linguistic schools,Hallidays SFG is employed,for good reason.SFG,since its emergence,has served as a significant theoretical and analytical tool in the analysis of all types of linguistic phenomena.It claims that the same linguistic feature may convey different meanings in reality.Systemic-Functional linguists hold that language has three main functions,i.e. ideational function,interpersonal function and textual function. One of the aims of the ideational function is to convey new information unknown to the hearer.In ideational function,the structure of the classes includes processes,participants and circumstances,which form a system of transitivity including six processes,namely,material process,mental process,relational process,verbal process,behavioral process and existential process(Halliday 1985:101-107)Secondly,we conduct communication with certain purposes,such as persuading others,changing other peoples attitudes,offering and demanding information,expressing our own opinions,explaining our own behaviors,etc.All these are incorporated in the interpersonal function.In grammar,the function is mainly realized through modality system.Thirdly,the textual metafunction enables the realization of the relation between language and context,making the language user produce a text which matches the situation.It refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living passage different from a random list of sentences.Through the analysis,it can be found that first,different news agencies differ from each other in both the textual level and the level of discourse practice.These differences can be attributed to their different ideological orientations and political stances.Next,news discourse is far from objective as it claims.News agencies always represent their own countries ideologies as well as the governments political stances.The thesis would first briefly deal with the background,the research questions,the purpose and significance,the methodology and the organization of this study.After that,it reviews the previous studies on disaster news reports,and then provides an introduction of the current analytical aimCritical Discourse Analysis with two theoretical framework and analytical tools of this studyFaircloughs three-dimensional model and Hallidays systematic functional grammar.The following chapter would analyze the disaster news reports from various newspapers,which would be followed by the summary of the whole thesis,answers to the research questions raised in chapter one as well as implications of this study.At last,it points out the limitations of this research and gives suggestions for further studies.The research finds that due to such various social factors as the media,the reporter,the audience and the activity itself,the seemingly neutral and objective quotation in disaster news discourse actually conceals certain hidden purposes,serving to certain power;thus,it can be seen that news discourse is not merely an information provider but more a messenger of ideology.Also,likewise,some reports on Chinas disasters are far from value-free,too.They do not simply report the disaster itself,but also connect it with other elements,intending to shape a negative image of China.This is closely related to the political,economic and cultural differences between different countries.So,Chinese journalists must increase their awareness of the basic values of our own and other cultures to help foreigners know about China and build a positive national image of China. Based on the analysis,on one hand,the authors analysis proves the applicability of CDA to disaster news discourse analysis.The research verifies that language is none a neutral,transparent and value-free medium;rather it ought to be viewed as an embodiment and communication of ideology,and a kind of social practice which also participates in the social construction while reflecting the society.On the other hand,by revealing the effect of ideology upon language,the present study tries to provide readers with a different perspective of understanding language and a critical reading method,which helps to raise the readers critical language awareness and strengthening their critical reading ability so as to see through the language to perceive the essence and have an appropriate and a reasonable understanding of the reality.Furthermore,this critical understanding of the news could help media translators to analyze the texts more thoroughly so as to achieve better translation.

3. 设计方案和技术路线


4. 工作计划


5. 难点与创新点

With the widening globalization and the fast development of information network and communication technology,mass media has played an increasingly important role in modern society.And news discourse has become the main source of peoples knowledge,attitudes and ideologies no matter for social elites or ordinary citizens.It serves as not only a provider of information and entertainment,but a way to enrich peoples thinking,behaviors and values in a subtle way.Apart from that,it reflects and shapes the political,cultural and social life as well. Due to its importance and great impact,news discourse has attracted many scholars interest.Nonetheless,news of disasters,a significant branch of the news system,has not caught much attention despite its closest connection with peoples safety,life and even the future of human beings.

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