A Contrastive Study of Sexism between English and Chinese开题报告

 2023-01-17 19:43:51

1. 研究目的与意义

As a kind of social phenomenon, sexism exists widely in both eastern and western culture. Language is the carrier of culture, in the very great degree is a mirror of the culture. The phenomenon of sexism in English and Chinese languages is the reflection of this cultural phenomenon. This thesis firstly analyses the possible reasons such as psychological, physical, social and cultural reasons hiding behind the existing phenomenon. Then it tries to make a systematic description and comparison of sexism between English and Chinese in lexical, semantic and syntactic aspects, and find out the similarities and differences between them, aims to eliminate sexism in the expectation of deepening people''s understanding of sexism in language, rousing women''s awareness of self- conscience in order to ensure their social status and promoting language and social harmony.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Literature Review

Chapter 2 Sexism in English


3. 国内外研究现状

Domestic Researches:1.Pan Jian(2001)stated that sexism in both English and Chinese reflects in word formation by affixes and radicals. 2.Xie Jianxin(2000) pointed out that :English and Chinese language culture is partial to men and looks down upon on women from the aspect of morality. 3.Yang Hongmei(2008)thought that Chinese is used by the largest numbers of people in the world and English is the most widely used language in the world. Both languages reveal sexism, mainly refers to the sexism against women. Language itself is not good or bad, it is people who use it give language social ideas and values. So language is not born with sexism, the sexism in it is the true reappearance of sexism in society which has many bad effects. 4.Li Xingqiao(2008)pointed out that from a macro point of view, sexism in language has a great influence on the normal function of society. 5.Liu Zhihua and Deng Xiaofang(2011)both held the view that sexism in language affects people''s social roles. Women can''t receive respect and they doubt about their roles in society or even change them which will make the whole society disordered.

Foreign Researches: 1.Sexism explains in the Oxford English Dictionary said,#8220;Gender bias or discrimination (especially to women).#8221;Thus,customarily,'sexism'usually refers to the language discrimination to the females.2.Sexism terminologically can be defined as a set of attitudes and behaviors towards people that judge or belittle them on the basis of their gender.Sexism comes in many different forms, including blatant,covert,and subtle sexism.(Benokraitis amp; Feagin,1999)3.Sexism,in the Oxford Advanced Learner#8217;s English-Chinese dictionary, it ''s definition is that disapproving action based on the ideas or belief that the members of one are less intelligent,able,and skillful,etc,than the members of th other,especially that women are lessable than men and those particular jobs and actions are suitable for women and others are suitable for men.4. Language and Gender: This landmark four-volume collection traces the development of language and gender from its original associations with second-wave feminism to its more recent alignment with postmodern approaches to feminism. Language and Gender is fully indexed and has a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which highlights key themes that have persisted across different historical periods and places the collected material in its intellectual context. It is an essential work of reference and is destined to be valued by scholars and students as a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource.

4. 计划与进度安排

In the Chapter 1, There will be a brief introduction of the paper.

In the Chapter 2, Sexism in English will be introduced from several aspects.

In the Chapter 3, Sexism in Chinese will be introduced from the same several aspects.


5. 参考文献

[1] Lakoff, Robin. Language and women#8217;s place. New York: Harper amp; Row Publisher. Inc. 1973

[2] Schulz,Muriel. The semantic derogation of women. Language and Sex: Difference and Dominance . 1975

[3] 白解红著.性别语言文化与语用研究[M]. 湖南教育出版社, 2000

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