The Theme of Initiation in Great Expectations开题报告

 2023-01-17 19:43:56

1. 研究目的与意义

As a member of the Victorian middle class and a responsible writer, Dickens highly advocates and maintains the traditional English middle class value through the literary form and his understanding of this class is gradually deepened. Great Expectations, as one of the most important works in the late phase of Dickens#8217; creation, differs much from his early novels. Many of the events from Dickens#8217;s early life are mirrored in Great Expectations, which, apart from David Copperfield, is his most autobiographical novel. Great Expectations is a realism novel set in early Victorian England. Great expectations is an excellent bildungsroman in Dickens#8217; late years, it described the protagonist''s growth and development process. This work described Pip''s disillusionment process of 'great expectations', he eventually realized that his pursuit of everything in the flashy world was worthless. True love, loyalty, and conscience is priceless, this is the message that Charles Dickens conveyed for us in Great expectations. Social class is just a symbol; it can#8217;t represent the true value of a person and has no direct relationship with people''s happiness and joy. Through the description of the burst process of the pursuit of great expectations, Dickens deduced that different interpersonal ethics had profound influence on Pip''s growth, and revealed that true love, loyalty and inner quality is more important than wealth and social classes in people#8217;s development.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1 Brief introduction1.1 A literature review1.2 Creative studies on Great Expectations2 The background of the composing of the novel3 Pip#8217;s development 3.1 Pip#8217;s childhood 3.1.1 Before meeting Miss Havisham and Estella3.1.2 After meeting Miss Havisham and Estella3.2 As a secret heir of the property3.2.1 Pip learned about the message of the secret property3.2.2 Pip''s life in London with the secret property3.3 Pip learned the secret funder3.4 Pip found himself in reality4 The cause of the changes of Pip#8217;s nature4.1 External environment4.2 Internal situation4.2.1 Love4.2.2 Family affection4.2.3 Benefactor4.3 Pip#8217;s nature5 Conclusion5.1 Summery5.2 The enlightenment of the modern education

3. 国内外研究现状

In Great Expectations, the hero Pip''s growth along the model of Adam and Eve and perfect their personality: Pip#8217;s carefree childhood, pure and simple; to be tempted by the devil-- great expectations, exit humanity -- great expectations disillusioned, return of humanity. It can be said that it was the disillusion of great expectations saved Pip, he walked out of the lost after a pinch of hone, covered his own heart, and finally grow up to be a true moral gentleman. Pip#8217;s suffering after the disillusion of dream as well as the bitterness of life that the primogenitor Adam and Eve had experienced.Social environment and the human nature is the combination of unity in the growth of the human. The change of Pip''s character is changes with the changes of environment, and Pip gradually mature, is also the result of the human nature and the environment contribute to each other. In the process of the development of humanity, education is also a very important aspect. However, even in the same conditions, it can create different characters, this is a question worth considering, that is to say, human nature characteristics of human itself is also the key to form characters in human growth. Until now, this is still a problem being studied, and to solve this problem, is also has important influence on children''s development. We must have the confidence to believe in the beauty of human nature and try to avoid all impractical ideas, and this is very important for every person in real life.In 2000, Ai Xiaoling thought that despite losing his great expectations, however he won the more valuable return of morality.In 1999, Hou Weirui thought that the exploration of inner world of the characters in Great Expectations is stronger and more thorough than his any other novel.In 1996, Wang Zuoliang thought that Dickens used the style of realism and symbolism to give artistic characteristics to his later novels with the combination of real details and poetic atmosphere, the combination of humor, funny and tragic basic situation of the life, the combination of the specific plot and profound social significance.

4. 计划与进度安排

序号 阶段名称 主要工作(学生/指导教师/其他) 开始时间 截止时间1 部署阶段 教务处、学院、辅导员、本导开展毕业论文(设计)动员 2022.10.26 2022.10.312 选题阶段 学生:确定选题并提交 2022.11.1 2022.11.23 指导教师:确认选题 2022.11.24 2022.11.303 开题阶段 学生:撰写、提交、修改开题报告 2022.12.1 2022.12.31 指导教师:审核开题报告 2022.1.1 2022.1.184 初稿阶段 学生:撰写、提交论文初稿 2022.1.19 2022.3.19 指导教师:审阅初稿、中期检查 2022.3.20 2022.4.205 论文修改阶段 学生:反复修改提交论文并提交修改稿、三稿,外文文献翻译稿,指导周记6次 2022.4.21 2022.5.6 指导教师:审阅论文修改稿、审阅外文文献翻译稿 6 定稿阶段 学生:提交论文定稿版 2022.5.7 2022.5.10 指导教师:审定并给出指导成绩 2022.5.11 2022.5.167 答辩分组、评阅阶段 院系成立答辩小组、分配评阅人、给出评阅成绩 2022.5.17 2022.5.278 答辩阶段 完成现场答辩及成绩录入,成绩发布 2022.5.28 2022.6.109 二次答辩 不合格论文学生和推荐校优秀毕业论文(设计)学生二次答辩 2022.6.11 2022.6.1610 论文推优 学院上报校级优秀毕业论文 2022.6.17 2022.6.2411 工作总结 毕业论文工作进行总结、抽检 2022.6.25 2022.6.30

5. 参考文献

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