离散视角下女性形象对比研究 A Comparative Study of Female Images from Diaspora Perspective开题报告

 2023-02-23 10:37:05

1. 研究目的与意义

Nowadays, Chinese American writers write literary works with unique dualcultural background in English, so Chinese American diaspora literature hasflourished in the United States and gained the attention and affection of manyreaders. The study of Chinese American literature is inseparable from theauthor''s diasporic identity. Due to the dual cultural attributes of writers,their characters more or less have cultural confusion and marginalconsciousness. As two representative writers of the American diasporaliterature, both Maxine Hong Kingston and Amy Tan have made considerableachievements and entered the mainstream of American literature. Their worksfocus on women who are struggling in two cultures, confused and helpless. Intheir works, we can see the collision between Chinese and American cultures,gender and racial discrimination. The female images in such a complicatedenvironment are full of complexity. This paper selects three groups of femaleimages in Maxine Hong Kingston''s The Woman Warrior and Amy Tan''s TheBonesetter''s Daughter for comparative study. They have similarities as well as differences.From this paper, we can see their difficult survival in the cultural collision,the construction of their female identity and their growth.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

From theprospective of diaspora, this paper selects three groups of female images forcomparative study. The first group of female images were oppressed at thebottom of the old Chinese society, the second group of female images werestruggling to survive in the collision of Chinese and American cultures, andthe third group of female images were at the edge of American society andculture. In the face of their own fate and life, these female images choose avariety of completely different coping methods. Some have been in a state of'silence', while others have bravely tried to grow up and constructtheir own female identity. Based on their own diaspora experience, both MaxineHong Kingston''s The Woman Warrior and AmyTan''s The Bonesetters'' Daughter allow usto have a deeper understanding of the real survival of the diaspora of Chinesewomen under the dual oppression of gender and ethnicity, and express to allreaders the growth and self-reliance of Chinese women in the dual dilemma.


3. 国内外研究现状

1.Studies on The Woman Warrior Homeand Abroad

The Woman Warrior, Maxine Hong Kingston''s first novel, was published in 1976, whichhas acquired great acclaim and many awards. Some scholars considered the bookto be a courageous voice for Chinese women. Evangelista Susan (1983)believed that Maxine Hong Kingston is a woman warrior for Chinese women, whocontributes her strength to women struggling with gender discrimination. Mostof the foreign scholars'' studies on The Woman Warrior mainly focused onwomen and Chinese culture. Shu Yuan (2001) explored the female subjectivity byreflecting on the female images in The Woman Warrior. Feng Lan (2003)interpreted the role of Mulan as a female individual in the book from theperspective of historical criticism. Pirjo Ahokas (2010) thought thatKingston’s narrative constructed a new form of female Chinese-Americanidentity.


4. 计划与进度安排

1.November 30, 2022 theselection of topics;

2.December 31, 2022 openingreport;

3.March 10, 2022 the firstdraft;


5. 参考文献

[1]E. M. Karavaeva. The Narrative Structureof Amy Tan’s ‘The Bonesetter’s Daughter’: Myth as a Critical Element[J]. Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, 2017.

[2]Evangelista Susan. Chinese-America’sWoman Warrior: Maxine Hong Kingston[J]. PhilippineStudies, 1983.

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