1. 研究目的与意义
Moby Dick is one of the most significant andclassical works which describes the fight between human and nature. It iscalled the encyclopedia of the whaling industry. The main character Ahabdisplayed remarkable courage and the spirit of heroism, but which was followedby the severe destruction of environment, especially the cruel killing ofmarine organism. In the 21th century, environment issue is increasinglyserious, so environmental protection is very important and of great urgent.Making a l study of Moby Dick willexamine Herman Melville#8217;s views on nature and his concern over the unbalanceman and nature. This novel has a wide significance in contemporary world, inwhich people are facing the survival crisis and need to reflect themselves onthe way the treat nature before. Thus, MobyDick deserves to be studied from a new perspective.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Thispaper will make an analysis of Moby Dickfrom the perspective of eco-criticism by studying anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentricnaturalism implied in the novel and the fate of different characters to debunk howdifferent ideas on the relationship between man and nature influence human#8217;ssurvival. Then from the lessons implied in this novel, we can get someapproaches in dealing with the ecological crisis in modern society. The firstpart will introduce background of MobyDick to expose the cruel whaling industry. The second part will give abrief introduction of anthropocentrism and argue that it is the cause of theconflict of man and nature by analyzing its expressions in the novel. The thirdpart will give a brief introduction of non-anthropocentric naturalism and arguethat it is the hope for people to deal with natural crisis by analyzing itsexpression in the novel. Finally, this paper will summary what is founded inthe study and give suggestions for coping with today#8217;s nature crisis from thelessons got in Moby Dick.
3. 国内外研究现状
Studieson Moby Dick usually focus onanalyzing the relationship between human and nature, the individualism impliedin the novel or the tragedy end of the main character Ahab.
Whentalking about eco-criticism, studies mostly concentrate on the development ofthe theory of eco-criticism or analyzing some classical literary works from theperspective of eco-criticism.
Eco-critical analysis on Moby Dick usually from the perspective of whether human is the lordof the nature and how human get along with nature. Sometimes, there are thecomparisons of eco-critical analysis between Moby Dick and other classical literary works which also has manydescriptions of nature like The old manand the sea.
4. 计划与进度安排
5. 参考文献
Schmidt, S.(1990). Sea-brothers: the tradition of American sea fiction from Moby Dick tothe present. by Bert Bender. Studies in American Fiction, 18(1),122-123.
Devall, Bill&George, Sessions. (1985). Deep Ecology: living as if Nature mattered.Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Book.
DOUGLAS, B. (2015). TRANSFORMING HUMAN SOCIETY FROM ANTHROPOCENTRISMTO ECOCENTRISM: Can We Make It Happen in Time? In BUTLER C., DIXON J., CAPON A. (Eds.), Health of People, Places and Planet: Reflections basedon Tony McMichael#8217;s four decades of contribution to epidemiologicalunderstanding (pp.607-616).ANU Press.
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