政治语篇的英译策略研究——以2020 年中国政府工作报告为例开题报告

 2023-07-05 10:24:22

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

On Translation Strategies of Political DocumentBased on Report on the Work of the Government政治语篇的英译策略研究以2020年政府工作报告为例 1. Introduction1.1Background of the research Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the past 70 years have witnessed great changes in China. In the midst of profound and complex changes, China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity of development and its prospects are bright but the challenges are still severe. China has been playing an increasing significant role in the international community in respect of the growth of the world economy and the livelihoods of people in China and beyond. Politically, China has contributed great supports to the international affairs: it is strongly opposed to hegemonism and reject the Cold War mentality and confrontation between blocks. Economically, it has provided business opportunities and favorable environment for the rest of the world and succeeded in driving the global economy: it has put forth the Belt and Road Initiative, established Asian Infrastructure Bank and hosted various international activities such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Boao Forum for Asia. Culturally, it has carried out cultural changes between China and other countries. For instance, it has established Confucius Institutes all over the world. It is beyond question that the world is salivating for knowing the development and political stance of the Chinese government on different affairs. Therefore, it is significant for China to demonstrate its image to the world and seize the power of discourse. As Huang Youyi (2017) said, the development of the Belt and Road has brought four fundamental changes to China and therefore it is urgent for our country to promote the development of translation. Huang (2004) also argued that it is extremely important for us to take the initiative to spread our voice to avoid misinterpretation of the western media. The translation of Chinese political documents depend largely on the recognition of existing problems, the understanding of text classification and the mastery of different translation strategies. As Lu Xiaojun (2013) concluded in his thesis, there are five problems in the translation of Chinese political documents: mistakes in spelling and grammar, different translation for a proper name, political mistranslation, Chinglish and pragmatic failure. Although some of these problems mentioned above have been corrected in recent years, there are still issues standing in the way of translation of political documents. 1.2Purposes of the researchThis thesis aims to classify specific problems in political translation and to provide practical translation methods to translating the work of the government. By analyzing the translation practices and choices of words in the report, this thesis holds that semantic and communicative translation methods turn out to be the theoretical basis for guiding the translation activities and improving foreign readers understanding of the report.1.3 Organization of the researchThis thesis consists of six parts. The first part is an introduction to the research background, research purposes and the organization of the research. The second part is a literature review of Chinese-English translation of political documents and previous studies about the translation theory brought up by Peter Newmark. The third part is about the text type and language features of the government report. The fourth part incudes the principles and methods in the translation of the Report. The thesis ends with the major findings and limitations.2. Literature ReviewReport on the work of the government reflects the collective decisions on policies, regulations and legislation of the Chinese government. Through translation, the polices of China can be known to the outside world. Therefore, accurate translation is significant to the source text readers as it does to the target text readers. This chapter gives a review on the translation of political documents. Also, the theoretical basis of this thesis- Newmarks text classification and translation methods will be introduced. 2.1 Theoretical and empirical foundation2.1.1 Previous studies on Peter NewmarkPeter Newmark is a translation theorist at his time. He developed his translation strategies in his books including Approaches to Translation and A Textbook of Translation based on the text types. Yang Shizhuo (1998) has made a comparative study between semantic translation and communicative translation. Zhang Jian (2014) stated that A Textbook of Translation is an important book for the study of translation methods but at the same time the deficiencies of it cannot be denied. Besides, the examples given in the book are not comprehensive enough. Therefore, it presents a great opportunity for researchers to focus on other examples to verify and improve his theory.Based on the theoretical and practical studies in translation, Peter Newmark thinks that translation is similar to an iceberg and its visible part is translation script written on the paper and the invisible parts are translation activities involving interactions among the writer, the translator, the reader and translation strategies. The main task of translation is to express the meaning of the source text by figuring out the purpose of the author or the translation process. Therefore, Baker (2004) believes that an optimal translation is one that conveys the message properly without undermining the meaning of the source text and close the gap between the source text and the target text. To instruct and persuade the readers, Peter Newmark points out that it is vital to classify the text type according to the function of the text and the intention of the author before deciding on translation methods. 2.1.2 Previous studies on political translation in ChinaIn the past 40 years, studies on political translation mainly focus on the materials selected from the speeches of government leaders and published political materials. Most of the researchers in charge of political documents translation before are mostly translation practitioners working in the Department of the Central Compilation Bureau. However, there are a growing number of scholars and professors in universities engaging in the study of political documents translation as time passes by. Besides, we also witness a growing number of doctoral dissertations and masters thesis related to political documents translation have been springing up in CNKI since 2010. The increase of target readers has posed new challenges to the translation of political documents as well. Therefore, it is significant to ensure that information related to Chinese society should be stated accurately.Cheng Zhengqiu has summarized translation problems in political materials and gave his advice on how to improve the quality of translation. As Cheng Zhenqiu (1978) pointed out, translation problems can be classified into mistranslation and insufficient translation. Therefore, top priority should be given to properly convey out political concepts. Cheng (2003) also thought that political translation should not be presented in word-for-word translation and should be dealt with creativity given that Chinese and English languages have differences in grammatical rules. Cheng (2004) believed that appropriate readjustments and reorganization of sentence structures should be used to make Chinese-English translation more effective.The main purpose of the study focus on analyzing the following questions:1. What is Peter Newmarks classification on text type and its connection with translation strategies?2. What are the main characteristics of the report on government work and what are the existing problems in the translation of it?3. What translation methods can we adopt in order to achieve maximum communication effect? References Schaffner, C. (1997). Strategies of translating political texts in text typology and translation. Amsterdam: Benjamins.Wilss, W. (2001). The science of translation: Problems and methods. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.Zhang, J. (2008). C-E translation of media neologisms: problems 外宣三贴近原则,处理好外宣翻译中的难点问题, 《中国翻译》25(6), 27-28。

黄友义(2017),一带一路和中国翻译变革指向应用的方向,《中国翻译》,(3): 1-3。



2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

This thesis aims to classify specific problems in political translation and to provide practical translation methods to translating the work of the government. By analyzing the translation practices and choices of words in the report, this thesis holds that semantic and communicative translation methods turn out to be the theoretical basis for guiding the translation activities and improving foreign readers understanding of the report.

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