The Subversion of Female Images in Angela Carter’s New Fairy Tales开题报告

 2022-07-29 12:58:01

1. 研究目的与意义

The fairy tale plays a very important role in western history and culture. It always known as the reflection of the actual life of human beings. It is a popular form of literature, although it was defined as bedtime story for children by many people. However, there are scores of adults like to read and analyze fairy tales as well and at the same time many authors began to rewrite the fairy tales. Because some of them did not agree with the ideas of women#8217;s images that embodied in the traditional fairy tales, they would like to create some new fairy tales that represent their own opinions. Angela Carter is one of the most controversial writers. A profound understanding of Angela Carter#8217;s idea and writing intention is of great significance to feminism in the new era. Thus, it might be a good way to study the subversion of female images in Angela Carter#8217;s new fairy tale.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will give a brief introduction of traditional fairy tales and Angela Carter, and try to compare some of the classical fairy tales with Angela Carter#8217;s new stories in order to analyze the subversion of female images and Carter#8217;s feminist thoughts. The first part will introduce the fairy tales as a genre and will give a brief introduction of Angela Carter and her new stories. Then the paper will compare the different female images in traditional fairy tales and Carter#8217;s rewrite fairy tales. Finally, the paper will focus on the reasons for the difference and Angela Carter#8217;s unique feminist ideas.

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches on the study of fairy tales made by both Chinese and foreign scholars. However, due to the difficulties arising from numerous rewrite stories, studies in new fairy tales by female writers especially the fairy tales of Angela Carter is far from satisfaction.In foreign countries, studies on Angela Carter mainly focus on her magic-realism writing style, while in China, studies are little. That is why the author attempts to make a research on this topic.

4. 计划与进度安排

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 A Brief Introduction of Angela Carter 1.2 A Brief Introduction of The Bloody Chamber And Other Stories1.3 Criticism on Angela Carter and Her New Fairy Tale 1.4 The Purpose and Significance of the EssayCHAPTER 2 Fairy Tales as a Genre1.1 The History of Fairy Tales1.1.1 The Origin of Fairy Tales1.1.2 The Development of Fairy Tales1.2 The Feature of Fairy TalesCHAPTER 3 The Analysis of Female Images in traditional Fairy Tales1.1 The Positive Roles1.1.1 The Beautiful and Kind Princess 1.1.2 The Poor, but Well Behaved Little Girl 1.1.3 The Weak and Old Woman1.2 The Villains1.2.1 The Evil and Wicked Witch1.2.2 The Cruel StepmotherCHAPTER 4 The Analysis the Subversion of Female Images in The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories1.1 The Rebellious Girl Who Longs for Freedom and Love 1.2 The Brave Young Woman Who Challenges Patriarchy1.3 The Ugly and Horrible God Mother 1.4 The Dead PrincessCHAPTER 5 The Reasons for the Differences of Female Images between Angela Carter#8217;s stories and Traditional Fairy Tales1.1 The Difference between Writing Style1.2 The Difference Social Environment1.3 Angela Carter#8217;s Unique Feminist ideasCHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION

5. 参考文献

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