The Analysis of ecofeminism in Mr.Dolloway开题报告

 2022-07-30 14:49:23

1. 研究目的与意义

The term Eco-feminism is believed to have been coined by the French writer Franccedil;oise d''Eaubonne in her book Le Fminismeou la Mort (1974), which is a combination of ecology and feminism. By analyzing the close relationship between women and nature, it reflects the damages of women and nature that have suffered in the patriarchal society to embody women''s complaint and tolerance of patriarchal power, and expresses the Woolf#8217;s pursuit of establishing a harmonious world. In the novel, she constantly links the nature with women and emphasizes their correlation, which provides a broad space for further study of Woolf and her works from the perspective of Eco-feminism. Her Eco-feminist views also make a difference to the ecological crisis and gender equality in today''s world. Recent years, environmental problems have become a commonplace and how to deal with it rushed into the forefront of news and other media and the feminist movement has been very much in the limelight in the case that sexism still exists in every aspect of our lives. In Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf put forward several solutions which deserve our attention.Therefore, this study intends to analyze Virginia Woolf#8217;s Eco-feminism awareness in Mrs. Dalloway to establish a new and harmonious relationship among males, females and nature.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The analysis of Eco-feminism in Mrs. DallowayThesis: Virginia Woolf explores the close connections between women and nature in Mrs. Dalloway by analyzing the prejudice and unfair treatment they have suffered in a patriarchal society, in order to establish a new and harmonious relationship among males, females and nature.1. Introduction1.1 Background of the author and Mrs. Dalloway1.2 Brief introduction of Eco-feminism1.3 Thesis1.3.1 Close connections between nature and women1.3.2 Oppression women and nature had suffered under the patriarchal society1.3.3 Establish a new and harmonious relationship among males、females andnature2. Eco-feminism in Mrs. Dalloway2.1 women and nature: close connections2.1.1 Productive ability2.1.2 Lower status and unfair treatment2.2 women and nature: common victims2.2.1 War2.2.2 Industrial revolution2.2.3 Social convention3. Solutions to establish a new and harmonious relationship among males, females and nature.3.1 Use women#8217;s power to rebuild the relationship3.2 Philanthropism4. Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

The term Eco-feminism is believed to have been coined by the French writer Franccedil;oise d''Eaubonne in her book Le Fminismeou la Mort (1974) with thedeterioration of human living environment and the increasingly severe ecological crisis. It is neither environmentalism nor feminism, nor a combination of the two. It is a new way of thinking to inherit critically the environmentalism and feminism. Zheng [郑淑娟](2013)claims that Eco-feminism involves four kinds of oppression: gender、race、class and nature. Zhu [朱晓红], Hu [胡桂丽], Zhang [张君] and Chen [陈麦池] (2018)claim that there is a special connection between human control nature and men oppress women. Therefore, the theme of Eco-feminism is the realization of gender equality and environmental protection to establish a new and harmonious relationship among males, females and nature.Many foreign scholars carry on researches on Mrs. Dalloway from various perspectives including streams of consciousness、 religion、 Eco-criticism and so on. Manisha (2015), in the article Stream of Consciousness Technique in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, points out #8220; Woolf originally imagined these separate stream of consciousness to depict 20th century England through the eyes of both the sane and the insane.#8217;#8217;. Emily (2015) explores Virginia Woolf''s complicated relationship with religion.Virginia Woolf is hostile to the religious dogma, but she also uses mystical experience in her works. Emily (2015) analyzes the reasons from Woolf#8217;s childhood experience and social environment. Wylie (2014) studies Woolf #8217;s complex、fluid and integrative descriptions of the natural world in Mrs. Dalloway. In China, scholars also make a deeply research from various perspectives such as Freudian-Based Personality Structure 、ecological aesthetics、feminism and so on.Li [Li Shuhua] and Cui [Cui Lihua] (2016) interprets of Freudian-Based Personality Structure in Mrs. Dalloway, which analyses the id, the ego and the superego. In the article #8216;Longing for a Harmonious Existence: An ecological aesthetics Reading of Mrs. Dalloway#8217; , Shang [尚晓燕](2013) points out the situation that the abundance of material has caused the spiritual vacuum of modern people during World War I and wishes to realize the harmonious of men and society, and man and nature. Besides ecological aesthetics, feminism analysis about this novel is also popular. For example, Liu [刘娜](2017) studies Mrs. Dalloway from the perspective of feminism to explore Women''s pursuit of freedom and independence by using of feminist methods and analyzes the different performances of several characters in the face of war and death which expresses Woolf''s desire to achieve equality and harmony between men and women. The perspective of Eco-feminism is a new trend to explore Virginia Woolf#8217;s Mrs. Dalloway. The conference The Fifth Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation(2016) analyzes and compares Mrs. Dalloway with The Hours from the perspective of Eco-feminism, revealing the relationship between men and women should be harmonious rather than antagonistic and analyzing the how Virginia Woolf#8217;s Eco-feminism awareness evolved. Liu [刘磊](2016)emphasizes on the women and nature#8217;s self-healing capability and criticizes the patriarchal thought.In all, although the previous researches are from various perspectives, few scholars at home and abroad study this novel from the perspective of Eco-feminism. Eco-feminism,as the fruit of environmental movements and feminist movements,is a popular topic in the contemporary western world. More importantly, the views of Eco-feminist also make a difference on the ecological crisis and gender equality in today''s world.

4. 计划与进度安排

At first, the paper will make a brief introduction of Eco-feminism and Mrs. Dalloway including the background、author and themes. It will give readers a general concept of what I am going to talk about.Secondly, I will analyze the Eco-Feminism in Mrs. Dalloway from two aspects: the connections and oppressions between women and nature. The connections include productive ability、lower status and unfair treatment. The oppressions include war、industrial revolution and social convention. Thirdly, I will put forward solutions to establish a new and harmonious relationship among males、females andnature.Finally, I will make a conclusion of my paper.

5. 参考文献

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