Binary Oppositions in Virginia Woolfs The Waves开题报告

 2022-07-30 14:49:27

1. 研究目的与意义

The Phenomenon of binaryoppositions is widely used in literary works, and it is an important method ofliterary analysis. Using this method to research the literary works, we candetect the connotation and the essence of art thoroughly. Virginia Woolf wasconsidered as one of the most important modernist 20-century authors and apioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device. The Wavesis her most experimental work which consists of soliloquies spoken by sixcharacters: Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis. As the sixcharacters speak Woolf explores concepts of individuality, self and community.The novel follows its six narrators from childhood through adulthood. Thisessay aims to analyze these six distinct figures by establishing the binaryoppositions between each two person to demonstrate the individual consciousnessand the ways in which multiple consciousnesses can weave together. As one ofthe representative works of Virginia Woolf, there are several binaryoppositions in it. From this perspective, this paper will analysis the growthof individual awareness, the significance of individual life and the relationsbetween the characters, by which broaden the research field and researchperspective, and give better understanding of the meaning of life.

2. 研究内容和预期目标


Binary oppositions provide a new perspective inliterary research field. This paper will give a brief introduction to theauthor and the writing background. In second part, the formula and method ofbinary oppositions applying in literary works will be introduced. The thirdpart is the key part, in which will analysis the binary oppositions between thecharacters. The fourth part will give a conclusion to the paper.


3. 国内外研究现状

With the popularity of research into thestream of consciousness, research into the Virginia Woolf‘s The Waves hasincreasingly caught the attention of people. People have gradually carried outresearch into the binary oppositions as a literary phenomenon since the end ofthe 20th century. And it has far-reaching historic meaning andimportant academic value for research into it. Virginia Woolf was one of themost distinctive writers of English Literature using the stream ofconsciousness technique masterfully. Being one of the most innovative andinfluential novelist of last century, Virginia Woolf’s entire publishing careercan be described as an ever-regenerating creative process. By resetting thesubject matter of the novel and constantly experimenting with its form, shefinally ascends to that conspicuous height from which she can penetrate intolife’s flesh and fabric. Having long been viewed as a paradigm piece of modernliterature, The Waves, her latestcomplete work, can best demonstrate this innovative spirit of Woolf’s. Itliterally possesses no plot; therefore it almost seems an impossible task toprovide an outline of its content. There are six main characters in this book,but they feel no warmth of real human beings. Actually each of these charactersrepresents one unique perspective of life, and the all six of them point up themain body of this work, which mainly consists of their observations ormeditations on the meaning of human existence, self-identity, the truths ofpersonal as well as collective human life.

Oversea studieson Woolf’s The Waves

Scholars from overseas countries begantheir study on Woolf’s The Waves assoon as it appeared in the 20th century. From its first publishing, its uniqueform, especially its brand new way of characterization, its absence of plot,and its poetic style, has aroused much confusion and debates among some of itsreaders and cities. Such confusion not only came from amateur readers, but alsouttered by a few prominent writer or critics such as E.M.Foster and ArnoldBennet. However, it is also appreciated by lots of readers both at home andabroad.


4. 计划与进度安排



3.2022 年 12 月15日前—— 完成实验设计


5. 参考文献

Albini.T. K. (2007), Virginia Woolf''s The Waves:A Lyrical ''Sense of Continuity'' in a Sea of Dissociation. Talor amp; Francise-Library.

Bezircilioglu.S. (2009), The Rhythm in the Corridors ofVirginal Woolf’s Mind. World Conference on Educational Science

Yuanyuan. (2012). the character cracked: TheWaves and Woolf’s mew way of characterization. Theory and practice in languagestudies.4(2). 726-733.

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