On the conceits in John Donnes Poem开题报告

 2022-07-30 14:52:14

1. 研究目的与意义

Significance of this paper: This paper is going to illustrate the importance of using conceits in John Donne’s poems, from defamiliarization of daily life, revealing hidden relationship and creating dramatic conflicts these three aspects. By analyzing conceits that Donne used, it is easy for readers to figure out the differences of his style of conceits and conceits’ connotations. This study can provide a deep thought about John Donne’s using of conceits and his view about love, religion and death which is based on the former studies and my study. Also, this paper will be helpful for those readers who are going to do John Donne’s further studies and using of conceits in other literary creation.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Study contents:Through analyzing Donne’s conceit, this paper is going to find out that the importance of using conceits in his poems and illustrate defamilirization of daily life, revealing hidden relationship and creating dramatic conflicts which are caused by his style of conceits. Key problems:To find out how John Donne created defamilization in daily life by the imagery he used, what kind of thought he wanted to conceal, and what dramatic conflicts he made.

Key problems:


3. 国内外研究现状

Literature Review

1. The definition of conceitsConceit is a technique of artistic exaggeration which causes by a series of combination of images or comparison (李菡, 2000). Usually, conceits are some strange, odd and distinctive images. Poets give brand new bonds and connections to these images which are irrelevant. Conceit is not an images building up process, otherwise the poetry will be incongruous in general. The success of conceit is the intelligence which contain in. Conceit can amaze readers and let them accept the reasonableness of it at the same time (孙殿波, 2017). The images using of conceit is various. No matter it is in the sky or on the ground. From divinity, to physic or science, from discovery and searching of geology to law even in the aspect of philosophy, anything that can be thought, heard or seen is in the optional range of metaphysical poets(许德金, 1999). There are three significant features in Donne’s conceit. The first is novelty and uniqueness. This often gives readers a refreshing feeling. Second, because the emotions expressed by his conceit is combined enthusiastic, complex, philosophical, and logical at the same time, therefore, it is necessary for readers to spend time to analyze and explore it layer by layer, to appreciate the rich connotations in his conceit. The last but not least, these conceits sometimes blend and overlap with each other, and their artistic effects are similar to contemporary cubist painting, which condenses complex and profound emotions and events beyond time and space into a limited space(李菡, 2000). Without careful thinking, association or reasoning, Donne’s poems cannot be appreciated easily, even cannot understand the profound culture and infinite imagination which hidden in his poems deeply(李菡, 2000). From my view, conceit, a figure of speech, is one kind of metaphors. The images of conceit are unusual, unique and unrelated, which can bring surprising effect to readers. Donne’s conceit always is distinctive, which contains his way of wise, logic and gives readers unexpected feeling to think deeply about his conceit at the same time.

2. Definition of defamilirization and application in Donne’s poemsIn 1917, the term “defamiliarization” was first coined by Russian writer Viktor Shklovsky in his essay Art as Technique, “I personally feel that Defamiliarization is found almost everywhere form is found( Viktor Shklovsky, 1917).”From his words, defamiliarization is ubiquitous, it can be found in any situation. Some scholars analyzed other literature works by using defamiliarization. Using defamiliarization is an interesting thing to do and this is an acquirable skill. Anything can be defamiliarized. Because unfamiliar thing can be transformed into familiar thing, so there is no specific frame and pattern (Ahire Sudhakar Lahu, 2016). In Donne’s poems, by using conceits, he also creates defamiliarization, which makes readers having a feeling of unfamiliar about the daily familiar objects. Donne''''s ‘conceit'''' requires a reader and an emotion from that reader for the object must utilize the consciousness of the audience in order to become a meaningful aesthetic experience: One would rather suggest that defamiliarization is an aspect of the reading process that is grounded in feelings. In response to stylistic devices, feelings influence a reader''''s departure from prototypic understandings(Sabah Wajid Ali, 2016). As a writing technique, defamiliarization can be used in various styles, and can use it to analyze unrelated objects. Using unrelated images are one of Donne’s conceits’ distinguishing features. Therefore analyzing Donne’s poems by defamiliarization theory is suitable.


4. 计划与进度安排


5. 参考文献


Ali, S.W. (2016). Defamiliarization: Perception as an Aesthetic End:With Reference to John Donne. Journal of Human Sciences. 1, 23 (pp. 562-576).

Lee, J. J. (2012). Crowded Subjects: The Crisis of Two Souls in Early Modern England. UC Berkeley.

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