1. 研究目的与意义
Alice Monroe, the first Canadian female writer who wins the Nobel Prize, her early bildungsroman work Lives of Girls and Women has gained a great renown throughout the world. So it is worthwhile for us to have an in-depth analysis. The study of Alice Monroe abroad has already been fruitful, but, in China, the research on Alice Monroe`s works has increased gradually since 2009. And researches mainly focus on her novel Escape, less attention is paid to the Lives of Women and Girls. Therefore, this paper aims to get a profound and comprehensive understanding of the significance of Monroe`s Lives of Girls and Women.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
This paper is going to analyze the novel`s two themes —women`s escape and initiation. And it aims to meet the question that what makes women escape from their life and what brings them initiation in the book. Outline:1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction of Alice Munro, 1.2 Introduction of her novel Lives of Girls and Women 1.3 Introduction of the two themes: escape and initiation2. Della’s escape and initiation2.1 Della’s escape2.1.1 Escape from society2.1.2 Escape from men2.1.3 Escape from the self2.1.4 Della’s initiation from her escape2.2 The psychological initiation process of Della2.2.1 The first stage: perceptual knowledge/ blind following2.2.2 The second stage: throwing doubt on what people said2.2.3 The third stage: rational knowledge
3. 国内外研究现状
Literature review Present researches show that the study of the novel mainly focuses on three aspects, including writing techniques, themes and feminist analysis. 1. Studies of Munro’s writing techniquesMunro combines wonder with ordinary in a concise and clear way, and shocks readers in her calm and delicate narration of details.Li Yanhui(李妍慧, 2015)discuss the gender construction and the feminist narrative of Munro, and writes:“ Munro uses epiphany and parody of the myth in her narrative which is to be free from the patriarchal stranglehold of the narration and therefore challenges the male discourse hegemony in her writing.”Moreover, Kang Xiao(康晓, 2015) proves the irrational narration of Munro in this novel from the narrative perspective, structure and effect. And Li Xiaoxi(李小玺, 2014)examines metaphors in the novel and show how it helps readers impressively to understand the social environment and conventional ideas of the small town and their impacts on the townspeople. What`s more, Li Yali(李亚莉, 2018) examines this book by the perspective of memory theory from three main memory concept, site of memory, collective memory and individual memory.There are enough scholars to analyze and generalize Munro''s writing skills. It is very comprehensively and no need to repeat again.2. Studies of themes: female initiation and self-enquiry.Alice Munro’s works focus on women and their life experience of ordinary Canadian towns, and explore the complex psychological and emotional world of ordinary women.Shen Ming(沈明,2014 ) writes that the protagonist Della undergoes not only physical but also psychological growth from an innocent girl to a mature women.Moreover,Ning Simengmei(宁思梦美, )and Zhang Yanran(张嫣然, )analyze the personal growth of Del from her exploration of belief, death, and love.Studies of themes of this novel only refer to personal growth of the protagonist Della and her self-affirmation, almost no people mentions the theme of escape which is a constant topic in Munro`s novel. 3. Studies of feminism: eco-feminism, feminine consciousness, and female image.Lv Xiaofei(吕晓菲, 2014)make an ecofeminism interpretation of this book, which maintains reverence for nature, concern for animals, blending of women and natural environment, and demonstrates Munro`s objection of anthropocentric view toward the ethical relations between humanity and nature. Liu Ming(刘敏, 2015) and Han Dongjuan(韩东娟, 2016) also has similar research and result in their papers. Huang Ting(黄婷,2018) summarizes female consciousness. In the novel, there is more submissive female, several characters shows female consciousness sometimes, and only Della becomes a woman with independent consciousness eventually. Chen Run and Sun Qian(陈润, 孙倩, 2016) appreciate the female images in Lives of Girls and Women, including the traditional, progressive and independent women images represented by different people in the novel. Feminism is discussed widely, and this novel is an exception. There are already piles of papers focusing on this topic, and some other new perspectives waiting to be discovered and discussed.According to the literature review above, it is clear that most of papers analyze Munro`s writing techniques, and some appreciate feminism showed in the novel, but seldom explore the theme of initiation, especially combing with another theme, escape. So it provides a new perspective to estimate the novel, Lives of Girls and Women.
4. 计划与进度安排
Firstly, collecting related studies in china and abroad, and then delving deeply into the collection, finally, writing a useful paper.
5. 参考文献
Li, X. X. (2014). The understanding of metaphor in Lives of Girls and Women. 语文学刊外语教育教学, (08), 88-90.Li, Y. l. (2018). Memory writing in Lives of Girls and Women by Alice Munro(mater thesis). CNKI中国知网.Meng, D.H. (2012). An ecofeminist interpretation of the escape in Lives of Girls and Women and Runaway(master thesis). CNKI中国知网.陈润 amp; 孙倩. (2016). 姑娘们与女人们的生活中的女性形象. 安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版), 33(4), 30-31.韩东娟. (2016). 爱丽丝门罗作品中的生态女性主义解读(硕士论文). CNKI中国知网.黄婷. (2018). 姑娘们和女人们的生活中的女性意识分析. 文学教育, 42-44. DOI:10.16692/j.cnki.wxjys.2018.05,020 康晓. (2016). 女孩和女人们的生活的非理性叙事(硕士论文). CNKI中国知网。
李妍慧. (2015). 爱丽丝门罗小说中的社会性别和女性主义叙事-再论合作原则(硕士论文). CNKI中国知网.刘敏. (2015). 生态女性主义视域下的女孩和女人们的生活解析(硕士论文). CNKI中国知网.吕晓菲. (2014). 女孩儿和女人们的生活的生态女性主义解读. 外国语文(双月刊), 30(5), 7-12.宁思梦美. (2015). 我追求的是荣耀-女孩和女人们的生活中黛拉的成长之路解析. 河北旅游职业学院学报, 20(2), 84-87.沈明. (2014). 浅议少女及少妇的生活中黛儿的心理成长. 外语教育研究, 2(2), 48-51.张嫣然. (2016). 论女孩儿和女人们的生活中的成长主题(硕士论文). CNKI中国知网.
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