1. 研究目的与意义
Ecological crisis is a severe problem we have to face because we are dependent on nature to live and survive. Through the analysis of Moby Dick, this paper aims to reveal the development of the relationship between man and nature and designates a road for people. That is to respect, protect and establish a harmonious relationship with nature. It tries to have people understand that the destruction of nature accompanies the extinction of human beings.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Through the analysis of Moby Dick, this paper aims to reveal the development of the relationship between man and nature and designates a road for people. It tries to have people understand that the destruction of nature accompanies the extinction of human beings. 1.1. Ahab: 1.1.1. Antagonism against nature 1.1.2. Extreme individualism 1.2. Starbuck: 1.2.1. Superiority over nature 1.2.2. Rational economism 1.3. Ishmael: 1.3.1. Respect for nature 1.3.2. Ideal harmony 2. Their different fates 2.1. Death 2.2. Survival 3. Melville#8217;s attitude embodied in the book 3.1. Survival of the two whales: potential humanity 3.2. Future harmony 4. Ecological enlightenment for our country 4.1. the Confucian School 4.1.1. Mencius#8217;s ecological thought and enlightenment 4.1.2. Confucius#8217;s ecological thought and enlightenment 4.2. Taoism
3. 国内外研究现状
Abroad, researches on symbolism in Moby Dick are much earlier than at home. They analyze from various perspectives, mainly connected with race, social class and culture. As Carolyn Karcher (1980) says in his book that Moby Dick, to a great extent, is a reflection of cultural pluralism and racial pluralism of America. The white whale is always considered as evil while Ahab righteous and brave even if it#8217;s a character of duality. They started from the symbolism to illustrate their opinions. In the Columbia Literary History of the United States (1988), Ahab is highly praised as the salvation like Perseus and St. George who kills the evil dragon while his opponent, the white whale as evil as the sea monster and dragon. On the contrary, Ahab is mainly thought to be the most cruel and merciless at home while Moby Dick perseverant and tough. The researches on Moby Dick at home started from 1980s. In the 80s, the book was mainly analyzed from the perspective of the author and content of it. In the 90s, research on the book mainly focused on its symbolism, tragic ending and artistic features. A representative is Wang [王立礼], he analyzes it from a macroscopic view on the artistic features and themes, which lays the foundation of the research on Moby Dick. Later, the research on Moby Dick is increasingly diverse. For example, comparative analysis is employed in Zhou#8217;s [周汶] article. She compares Moby Dick with the Great Gatsby from their background, character and theme. With the popularity of eco-criticism in the 90s, the symbolic meaning in Moby Dick is further interpreted. In Ian Ousby#8217;s book, Moby Dick is a gallery of American#8217;s ecological views. It means the white whale is the symbol of nature. The book conveys his hope of a harmonious relationship. While Zhou [周海燕] and Yang [杨正和] suggest that the book embodies author#8217;s confusion and conflicts in his ecological attitudes. On the one hand, he seeks harmony between man and nature. On the other, he doesn#8217;t oppose their demanding from nature.
4. 计划与进度安排
This paper will approach from a different perspective. It tries to explore the relationship between man and nature from a macroscopic view. The relationship between man and nature is divided into three stages. The first is the early extreme individualism, characterized by antagonism against nature represented by Ahab. The second period is rational economism represented by Starbuck. The third is achieved harmony represented by Ishmael. They are three continuous stages showing the change of people#8217;s ecological views and improvement of their relationship with nature. The uniqueness of my paper is to reveal the ecological enlightenment connecting with Chinese traditional ideas of Confucian school and Taoism. Our ancients have accumulated their experience on getting along with nature, which is still advisable for our modern society. The idea of Mencius, #8220;heaven follows Tao, Tao follows nature #8221;, tells us to follow the law of nature. #8220;Do nothing#8221; is the directive principle which means letting things take their own course instead of negatively treating nature. Confucius also advised to make use of natural resources temperately. Don#8217;t cut down trees in spring to let them grow. If we demand from it continuously, it will exhaust one day.
5. 参考文献
1. Elliott, E. (1988). The Columbia literary history of the United States. America: Columbia university press. 2. Karcher, C. (1980). Shadow over the Promised Land slavery, race and violence in Melville#8217;s America. Bostan range: louisian-a state university press. 3. Lawrence, D. H. (1961). Studies in classic American literature. New York: Viking press. 4. Lawrence, D. H. (1984). From Herman Melville#8217;s Moby Dick. The United States: Bantam Books. 5. Melville, H. (1999). Moby Dick. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 6. Mcsweeney, K. (1986). Moby Dick: Ishmael#8217;s mighty book. Boston: Twayne. 7. Mcwilliams, J. P. (1984). Hawthorne, Melville and the American Character, A Looking-glass Business. New York: Cambridge University Press. 8. Ousby, I. (1981). Fifty American novels. American: Heinemann/barnes amp; noble press. 9. Wu, D. (1998). Outline of American Literature. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 10. 刘银燕. (2002). 一部美国的民族史诗--评麦尔维尔的lt;白鲸gt;. 福建:福建师范大学. 11. 王立礼. (1994). 外国文学. 梅尔维尔与lt;白鲸gt;, (04), 9-12. 12. 郭海平. (2009). 外国文学研究. 白鲸中人与自然多维关系的伦理阐释, (03), 49-53. 13. 周汶. (1999). 四川外国语学报. 一脉相承异曲同工--lt;白鲸gt;和lt;了不起的盖茨比gt;比较分析, (01), 40-45. 14. 周海燕 amp; 杨正和. (2006). 江西教育学院学报. 解读lt;白鲸gt;的生态伦理困惑, (05), 32-33.
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