A Pragmatic Analysis of Compliment Strategies Used by YouTubers开题报告

 2022-07-30 14:59:38

1. 研究目的与意义

Nowadays, our lifestyle is easily guided by the You-tubers. For example, people who love doing make-up can’t help purchasing product which has been promoted by those famous You-tubers. These You-tubers from make-up channel, whose charisma and skills have attracted thousands of fans, make me interested in their speech and manners. Since compliment is a common phenomenon in socializing, and it has been used a lot in the You-tubers’ videos, this paper will talk about the compliment strategy they have used from the perspective of pragmatic. Thus we can have a clear version of their compliment strategy and be more careful to take their advice.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Compliment is a common phenomenon in socializing. Compliment shows the user’s manners. A clear version of word’s funcation and meaning in a special language community can be gotten by analyzing compliments. The research about compliment and compliment has attracted great attention from pragmatics and sociolinguistics, which makes it be discussed thoroughly. However, the importance is usually put on compliment response, and the significance of compliment itself has been ignored. Thus, this paper will analyze compliment from the perspective of pragmatic, which is based on famous you-tubers’ speech act.

1. Introduction2. Literature Review2.1. Definition of compliment2.2. Functions of compliment2.3. Previous study on compliment2.3.1. Aboard2.3.2. Domestic3. Research Methods3.1. Data collection3.2. Data analysis4. Pragmatic Analysis of compliment strategies employed by You-tubers4.1. Compliment strategies employed by you-tubers4.2. Features of compliment strategies employed by you-tubers5. Conclusion5.1. Major Findings5.2. Implication for future research


3. 国内外研究现状

Previous studies on compliment abroad

Goody(1978) pointed out that compliment makes people feel good, and Wolfson and Manes(1980) pointed out that “complimenting can thus be treated as a social strategy employed in order to start, establish, or maintain solidarity with the addressee.”Thus, a series of social functions of compliments can be summarized as follows: creating or reinforcing solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism and starting a conversation or even getting over embarrassment.

From earlier studies, it is shown that the emphasis has been put on compliment-response. For example Pomerantz (1978) has proposed two of the most influential conversational principle and has found that there are five different response strategies - upgrade, scale-down agreement, down-grades, reassignment of praise and return. Most of previous studies belong to analysis concerning topics, semantic and syntactic features and compliment response strategies(Guo [郭巧利], 2017).


4. 计划与进度安排

2022-11-12 —2022-12-20 Read and write the opening paper report.

2022-12-21 —2022- 1-10 Read materials and make an outline.

2022- 1- 11 —2022- 3-20 Reading research and collecting data according to the outline to write the first draft.


5. 参考文献

Goody, E. N. (ed). (1995). Questions and politeness. Cambridge: Cambridge Up.

Manes, J., amp; Wolfson, N. (1980). Conversational routine. The Hague: Mouton.

Pomerantz, A. (1978). A compliment response. New York:Cambridge University Press.

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