On Maughams Understanding of Chinese Culture开题报告

 2022-07-30 15:01:33

1. 研究目的与意义

Based on the research of Maugham’s works on Chinese culture, we can learn the opinions ofthe westerners on Chinese culture and figure out the reasons.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Maugham’sworks on Chinese culture

Maugham’sunderstanding of Chinese culture and what behind his understanding of Chineseculture.

On Maugham’sUnderstanding of Chinese Culture


3. 国内外研究现状

Chinese scholars believe Maugham’s creation of Chineseimage is affected by westerners’ collective imagination on China and Maugham’s Utopianismon China. What reflects from Maugham’s works is the conflicts between Chineseand western culture. While foreign scholarsexplain Maugham’s works on Chinese works from the view of homosexuality and post-colonialcultural theory, and they consider Maugham’s works on Chinese culture tobe a vision of the east which is under the affection of western imperialism.

4. 计划与进度安排

Firstly, choose the object of the research

Secondly, find out the meaning of writing the paper.

Thirdly, read the former research and sum up the weakness and strength of the research.


5. 参考文献

[1]文化“他者”的中国形象——以毛姆《在中国屏风上》为例[J]. 尹萍,祁国江. 中州大学学报. 2017(05)

[2]人生的枷锁[M]. 上海译文出版社 , (英) 毛姆 (Maugham, 2011

[3]跨文化语境中的中外文学关系研究[M]. 上海三联书店 , 葛桂录, 2008

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