1. 研究目的与意义
William Faulkner is one of the most famous American writers in thetwentieth Century. The Sound and Fury, his favorite work, is recognizedas one of the most successful and innovative novels in the United States. Andhis another novel Absalom,Absalom!is called by many critics as the most complexand profound of his Yoknapatafa novels. Therefore, as two classics in literary circles, thesetwo books undoubtedly have great literary research value. What’s more, Faulkneris the main representative of the Southern Literature School in the UnitedStates. His novels are based on the unique geographical and historicalbackground of the Southern United States. They describe the local conditionsand customs of the Southern United States during the period of social andhistorical change. Therefore, the theme of his novels has a very distinctSouthern color. Among them, the changes of Southern culture are particularlyprominent in these two novels: The Sound and Fury and Absalom,Absalom!. So, in terms of researchsignificance, on the one hand, the study on this topic can help us furtherunderstand those the themes of these two classics in an all-round way. On theanother hand, through the analysis of the changes of Southern culture in thesetwo novel, we can find out the structure of social system and people''''''''s life andspiritual state in the context of Southern society in the 20th century, so asto deepen our understanding of Western history and culture.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Researchcontents and key issues:
Thispaper will mainly focus on the study of the changes of Southern culture in the Sound and the Fury and Absalom,Absalom!. On the basis of a thorough understanding ofthe two books, I will do a comparative analysis of the images, fates and socialbackgrounds of the characters in the books and then sum up the commoncharacteristics which reflect the same changes of Southern culture.
3. 国内外研究现状
1. Previous studies on Southern culture in the Sound and the Fury
According to the relevant research, combined with his own growingexperience, Faulkner showed the changes of Southern culture that he feltthrough several important characters in the Sound and the Fury. Firstly,many researchers claimed that Faulkner created some admirable characters inorder to subvert the glorious image of the old South advocated by the dominantideology of the South and expose the past evils of the South, such as slaveryand racism(Wang[王晓梅] , 2011). And absolutely Dilsey is one of them. Someresearchers pointed out that she is a rebel of the racial society because shedares to oppose Jason, who is the 'evil incarnation' in the novel(Yang [杨婷] , 2011). So, they believed that Dilcey embodies the virtues left over from the oldSouth, which is also the hope of the future of the South(Qu[曲彬] , 2015).
Secondly, some studiesmentioned that Quentin and Caddy represent the decline of the southernaristocracy. Some of them believed that although Quentin, the last descendantof the landlord class, retains the pride of his ancestors, he is cowardly bynature and can not accept the reality of social change taking place. The valuestandard of the Southern tradition he has established is so vulnerable. So, hissuicide shows the incompetence and despair of the aristocratic descendantscultivated by the old Southern tradition(Wang[王晓梅] , 2011). As for Caddy, Zhang [张湄玲] (2001) said, “From her ups and downs, the upsand downs of the Compson family and the aristocratic society in the old Southare reflected.” It’s clear that both Quentin and Caddy are unable to change thereality, so they become helpless in the conflict between the new and the old,and eventually engulfed by the conflict(Ma[马岚] , 2011).
4. 计划与进度安排
Thefirst part is a brief introduction to William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury,and Absalom, Absalom! The purpose is to show the general story content andsocial and cultural background. Next, the main body is divided into threeparts. This paper will show the changes of Southern culture revealed in the twobooks in three aspects: the rise of industrialization, the awakening of theblack and the fall of gentility. The last part is a conclusion, which will makea comprehensive and accurate summary of the whole paper from the perspective ofsignificance.
5. 参考文献
Bockting, amp; Ineke. (1995). Characterand Personality in the Novels of William Faulkner: A Study in Psychostylistics. America: University Press of America Inc.
Meriwether, B. J. (1968). Essays,Speeches and Public Letters by William Faulkner. New York: Random House.
William Faulkner. (1929). TheSound and the Fury. New York: Perguin Books Ltd.
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