The Influence of Learners` Personality Traits on Oral English Teaching开题报告

 2022-07-30 15:05:38

1. 研究目的与意义

After the educational reform in 2001, people attach much importance to quality education in which proposes the requirement of raising the overall linguistic abilities of students. Being a weak spot of Chinese students, oral English should be investigated deeply for the sake of figuring out what is the most suitable oral English teaching method when facing students with different personality traits. By conducting this study, we can know more about the influence of learners` personality traits in second language acquisition. As a consequence, the individual personality is well considered by which students can enjoy oral English learning and the quality of education can be improved.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Research problem:How could oral English teaching in SLA be influenced by learners` personality traits. The key issue to be solved:Infer the suitability of oral English teaching for different personality traits by investigating relevant researches and conducting a questionnaire. Outline:1.introduction2.Classification of learners` characters 2.1. Research on the classification 2.2. Introverted students2.2.1. Intended presentation in learning2.2.2. Merits and drawbacks 2.3. Extroverted students2.3.1. Intended presentation in learning2.3.2. Merits and drawbacks3.Different acquisition of second language 3.1. Introverted students` acquisition 3.2. Extroverted students` acquisition4.Oral English teaching methods 4.1. H. Douglas Brown 4.2. Receptive practice4.2.1. Imitative4.2.2. Intensive4.2.3. Responsive 4.3. Productive practice4.3.1. Transactional4.3.2. Interpersonal4.3.3. Extensive5.The influence of personality traits in choosing teaching methods 5.1. Introverted students and receptive practice 5.2. Extroverted students and productive practice6.Questionnaire 6.1. Illustration for the results of questionnaires 6.2. Combination results with theories7.Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

Given the requirements in the new National English Curriculum (ministry of education,2017), teachers should pay much attention to the difference between students, and consider more about their personality traits and interests. It also mentioned that all skills, including productive skills and receptive skills, should be practiced in language teaching. As a skill which can easily be influenced by various kinds of uncontrolled factors and also a weak spot of Chinese students, oral English teaching methods attract many researchers. One of those effective but uncontrolled factors is the learners'' personality traits.1.Classification of learners'' personality traits.A research paper conducted with FPA character found that in a total 512 students, 22.07% of the students are extroverted, 40.23% of the students are inclined to be extroverted, 29.10% of the students are inclined to be introverted, and only 8.59% of the students are introverted(Yang Youchao Chen Zhongwei,2016). Xu Liqun said that introverted person tends to be calm and quiet in class, and they are not willing to hold their hands to ask questions actively. They will think about the questions asked by the teacher carefully and slowly. Thus, this kind of person may tend to like traditional oral English teaching methods.Xu also mentioned in his research paper that extroverted person tends to try new things in language learning. They do not afraid of making mistakes and like to learn language in colorful and changeable contexts. These kind of students prefer communicating with others with the target language, and they pay much attention to the fluency rather than accuracy in speaking. These students may answer questions actively and quickly, and they do want to be mentioned by the teachers. However, they tend to make more mistakes because of the lack of careful and systematic consideration (Xu Liqun,2002). By comparing this kind of students with introverted students, we can easily figure out that extroverted students do not like traditional teaching methods. They enjoy communicating with others and showing themselves, thus productive practices may suit their tastes.2.Oral English teaching methods.According to H. Douglas Brown''s book, a communicative and genuine context is really important in oral English practice. However, because of some limited factors and specific environment, mechanical practice will still be existing. He gives six types of classroom speaking performance which can systematically conclude the dominant oral English teaching methods (Brown, H.D. ,2002). According to the properties of these methods, we can divide them into two categories--receptive practice and productive practice by following the criterion of involving communication or not.Receptive practices:ImitativeIt is a kind of imitation. However, it is practiced not for the aim of any meaningful interaction or the information exchange with others, but for concentrating students` attention on some specific element of language form. IntensiveIt is an improvement of imitation. It can be self-initiated or practiced by having pair work activity in which learners can practice the specific aspect of language.ResponsiveThis kind of practice usually be used in the warm-up stage of a lesson. It is conducted by giving some simple questions, such as #8220;How are you today?#8221; or #8220;What is your understanding toward this sentence?#8221;, and when students receive these questions, they have to understand the questions first and then give short replies. Productive practices:TransactionalIt is a development of responsive practice. This type of practice is carried out in order to convey or exchange specific information. Information gap activity is often used in transactional practice in which the negotiative nature of language plays an important role.InterpersonalIt is a kind of interpersonal dialogue, and is conducted for the sake of maintaining social relationships with other partners rather than for the exchange of facts or information.ExtensiveThis type of practice usually conducts at students who are at intermediate or advanced levels. It involves extended monologues in the form of oral speaking, summaries of passages or articles, or even giving short speeches in front of the public. These speeches can be planned or impromptu.3. The influence of personality traits in choosing teaching methods In the six types of speaking performance introduced above, imitative, intensive and responsive performance can be concluded as traditional teaching patterns for the reason that these practices can often be seen in traditional Chinese class and they are mechanical practices which ignore students` understanding and interaction with others(Zheng wang,2018). Thus, introverted students who like traditional model of oral English teaching methods may suit receptive practice most. Then, the other three practices, transactional, interpersonal and extensive performance, can be used to promote extroverted students'' advantages and make up for their weakness.As Qi yin and Wu chunlei mentioned in their research paper, extroverted people tend to be sociable and they can improve their oral English in real context through the communication with others which enables them much more opportunities to practice. While introverted students tend to spend more time reading and writing which are also important contributions to a good oral English for the reason that reading and writing can accumulate language skills and knowledge (Qi yin and Wu chunlei,2011).The amount of the researches carried out to investigate the personality traits of students are high. There are many studies conducted to explore different oral English teaching methods, as well. However, the investigations on the relationship between the personality traits of students and their suitable oral English teaching methods are very limited, so this paper tend to explore their interactive influence by researching related materials.

4. 计划与进度安排

1.November 10, 2022--the selection of topics;2.November 30, 2022--opening report;3.February 1,2022--questionnaire;4.March 10, 2022--the first draft;5.March 31, 2022--the second draft;6.April 10, 2022--the third draft;7.May 5, 2022--the final text;8.May 31, 2022--thesis oral defense.

5. 参考文献

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