Ecocritical Analysis of Doris Lessings On Cats开题报告

 2022-07-30 15:06:28

1. 研究目的与意义

Doris Lessinglikes cat very much. This book describes about several kinds of cats. It givesreaders a feeling that those cats are like people. Through studying the bookand related bibliographies, we can have a deep recognition of the imbalanced relationshipbetween human beings and nature. It has a theme that mankind are required tolive harmoniously with environment. Besides, most of those cats are female,alluding to women from the angle of ecofeminism. The author uses female cats toreveal the contemporary situation of women, which shows Doris#8217;s sympathy andcritical opinions towards women. Females should be independent and have theirown dignity to live in the society in order to establish a society of genderequality and a world that man and nature live equally. Therefore, I want tohave a detailed study of it to analyze its themes through ecocriticistperspective to show why the cat tale is very worthy reading.

2. 研究内容和预期目标


The correct relationship between human beings and nature: Throughdescribing people#8217;s attitudes towards cats and how they treat those littlecreatures, the author expresses an idea that Human beings should learn torespect nature and follow laws of nature instead of trying to have a abnormalcontrol over it. Protecting the environment is vital for us predators.

The humanrelations: It can be seen from the book that cats behave like human. It usescats#8217; world to indicate how people get along with others. Like cats, humanshave preference for someone else or have prejudice against each other. They areindifferent to each other. The alienation of human relations results to socialproblems and those unreasonable social patterns cause ecological crisis.


3. 国内外研究现状

Previous studies on this story at home:

Studies on theartistic writing technique used in this novel:Miu [缪爽] (2011)used defamiliarization theory toanalyzethe cat tale from three aspects including structure, language and narrativeperspective. The application of this theory brings readers to author#8217;s world,attracting their attention. The depiction is vivid and lively giving readers afeeling that they are watching how cats are treated and what the life of catsis like. By the application of defamiliarization, this novel gets deeper intoreaders#8217; hearts.

However, thebook emphasizes more on its ecological significance. Most researches focus onthis point.


4. 计划与进度安排

Firstly, take notes which are useful for my paper from the book Secondly, find out the definitions of ecocriticism, ecofeminism and ecology.Thirdly, read related bibliographies and excellent dissertations to get ideas about what I am to write about. Then, read more researches on ecocriticism and think about what it is lack of. And try hard to provide some new ideas to the contemporary studies. If I have something confused, I will ask my advisor for help.

5. 参考文献

Gornick, V. (2018).Cats, Doris Lessing, and Me. NYREV.

Shields, A.J. (1995). #8220;Observing women: Doris Lessing,Christa Wolf, Marguerite Duras.#8221;. University of Pennsylvania.

段湘怀. (2014). 从《特别的猫》看多丽丝#9642;莱辛关于女性的思考. 盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版), (02), 80-82.

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