The Characteristics of the English Women in the Victorian Age——A Study of the Two Heroines in Vanity Fair开题报告

 2022-07-29 14:20:51

1. 研究目的与意义

The Great Britain achieved great progress during the reign of Queen Victoria. The economy and political system had rapid development in this period and it changed the lifestyle of British People, especially that of the women of the middle class. The heroines of works written in the Victorian Age are often characterized with some kind of the awakening of feminism.William Makepeace Thackeray was a great realist writer in the Victorian Age. He thought the existing society was corrupted. Therefore, he used his pen to disclose the darkness of society. He was known for his satirical works, particularly Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair is not only a masterpiece of Thackeray, but also a great work in British Literature. In this novel, he criticized the whole bourgeois and aristocratic society. He portrayed characters through his observation and rich knowledge of social life. The two main characters, Sharp and Amelia are endowed with vivid personalities. Their personalities are not perfect. Sharp wants to live a better life at all costs. In contrast, Amelia is a woman with weak personality and she is a traditional woman in the Victorian Age. Thackeray revealed and criticized the unfair reality by portraying these two characters because they were influenced by the unfair reality and were the victim of the unfair reality. This paper is devoted to analyzing the characteristics of the English Women in the Victorian Age by analyzing the two heroines in Vanity Fair to enable readers to have a better understanding of the image of women in the Victorian Age.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1. Research ContentsThis paper is devoted to analyzing the characteristics of the English Women in the Victorian Age by analyzing the two heroines in Vanity Fair. The study into the image of females in the Victorian Age can help readers to know more about the female images in that era and to have a better understanding when they read other novels set in the Victorian Age. First of all, this paper will analyze the plot to help readers to have a thorough understanding of the characteristics of two heroines in Vanity Fair. Secondly, it will make a comparison between Amelia and Sharp from the following aspects: life, career and marriage and the merit and demerit of the two main characters. Thirdly, their different attitudes toward life and the causes of their personal traits will be analyzed to discuss the characteristics of females in the Victorian Age. Finally, this paper will explore the social significance of the novel and interpret the characteristics of females in the Victorian Age. 2. ProblemsThis paper is aimed at studying the characteristics of two different kinds of women in the Victorian Age represented by Becky and Amelia in Vanity Fair and the cause of their personality traits. 3. Outline1. Introduction1.1. The Victorian Age1.2. William Makepeace Thackeray and Vanity Fair2. Women and Feminism in the Victorian Age2.1. Women in the Victorian Age2.2. First-wave feminism2.3. Feminism in literature3. The characteristics of English women in the Victorian Age reflected in Vanity Fair3.1. Female Images in Vanity Fair3.1.1. The image of Sharp3.1.2. The image of Amelia3.2. Thackeray#8217;s view on women3.2.1. Thackeray#8217;s view on women in his novels3.2.2. The differences between two main characters3.2.3. The merit and demerit of the two main characters 4. Factors influencing the characteristics of English women in the Victorian Age4.1. Social background4.2. Domestic background5. ConclusionReferences

3. 国内外研究现状

Vanity Fair has been studied for a long time. Until now, a large number of papers and books about it have been published both in China and foreign countries. Many foreign scholars have made their research on Vanity Fair. Some of them focused on its value and significance. For example, Roger P.C. (1949) emphasized the permanent value of Vanity Fair because it did not only portray characters but also reflected the social life in London (p. 65). Scholars also focused on analyzing characters. Zan Cammack (2015) carried on the studies on the image of Amelia by analyzing her relationship with Sharp and Dobbin (p. 34). Lisa Jadwin (1992) paid attention to studying the female duplicity and discussed its seductiveness by analyzing the plot (p. 663). S.Q. Nasri (2009) analyzed the main character Rebecca from the perspective of Marxist-Social Feminism by using qualitative method (p.8). In China, many scholars have studied Yang Bi#8217;s Chinese version of Vanity Fair. Wang and Bai [王硕 白莹莹] (2011) analyzed Yang Bi#8217;s translation art using the western feminism translation theory. Besides, some scholars have paid more attention to writing techniques. Yang [杨琳] (2005) focused on the analysis of the functions of the narrator in Vanity Fair and made analysis of the four functions of the narrator: the directing function, the function of communication, the testimonial function and the ideological function. For the appreciation and evaluation of the novel, mostly focused on the images of characters. Zeng [曾燕波] (2006) presented an analysis of main female characters in Vanity Fair from the following aspects: personality, plot, and arrangements to express the writer#8217;s thought of male authority. Jia [贾巍巍] (2013) analyzed Becky from the perspective of feminism and took Becky as an example of the awakening of feminism Consciousness in the Victorian Age by analyzing marriage and family pattern under male authority and a mother figure who challenged the male authority. Zhang [张业春] (2014) analyzed the characters in Vanity Fair and its significance to the capitalist society. In his opinion, this novel reflected the situation of capitalist society and it was a flashy world and full of dust. Qi and Wang [齐娟 王胜胜] (2014) discussed the images of females in the film Vanity Fair and their destiny from the perspective of their survival ability, marriage and life to make readers have a better understanding of their personalities. Hu [胡艳] (2015) not only focused on the images of females but also focused on the images of males and she thought that the description of main characters deepened the theme. Lin [林青] (2016) analyzed Sharp#8217;s character through discussing her struggling course and the cause of her characters. To a certain extent, she agreed with the view that character is the destiny. It has been proposed that females in this novel are complex and ambivalent and it is a novel without perfect characters. (Wang [王春芳], 2017) Some scholars have analyzed main characters using the method of comparison. For instance, Dong [董宁] (1998) made a comparison between Becky and Wang Xifeng in A Dream in Red Mansions to study these two writers#8217; writing techniques and literary significance. Wang and He [王新春 贺宇慧] (2014) made a comparison between Rebecca and Eustacia in The Return of the Native written by Tomas Hardy. They thought there were many similarities between them and called them as the adventurers in the Victorian Age. They were optimistic and adjusted themselves to life. Though they lived in different social backgrounds, they had many similarities in personalities. Chen [陈启琨] (2015) made a comparison between two characters in details such as their views of marriage and career to find the causes of their personalities and give some suggestions. There are a large number of scholars who have made their studies on Vanity Fair. Some of them analyzed its significance and writing techniques, and others focused on analyzing main characters. But analysis of the social background which had a great influence on their personalities is still lacking. This paper will analyze the characteristics of the English Women in the Victorian Age by analyzing the two heroines in Vanity Fair and the cause of their personality traits to enable readers to have a better understanding.

4. 计划与进度安排

Time arrangement for the writing plan is as follows:2022.10.26---2022.11.1Searching for the references and choosing the topic2022.11.2 ---2022.11.10Confirming the topic2022.11.11 ---2022.11.30 Writing the research proposal2022.12.1 ---2022.3.18 Writing the first draft of the paper2022.3.19 ---2022.4.30 Revising the first draft2022.4.30 ---2022.5.25 Submitting the final draft2022.5.25---2022.6.20 The thesis defense

5. 参考文献

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