1. 研究目的与意义
Ernest Hemingway was one of the most famous American writers in the world. He was a canonic figure in the American literary tradition. He became one of the world-renowned anti-war novelists in Western literary world with his unique writing style. A Farewell to Arms, a creative work with strong autobiographical elements, is one of Hemingway#8217;s masterpieces. In particular, Hemingway#8217;s unique style of symbolic creation makes the novel rich in meaning. In A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway used many symbols to express the abstract and complex thoughts and feelings of the hero through the description of the natural environment and animals, such as mountains, plains, lowlands, rain, rivers, light and ants. Symbolism greatly enriches the meaning of the work. This paper will analyze symbolism used in A Farewell to Arms in detail, especially the relationship between religion and symbolism, to help readers better understand the complex emotions of the #8220;lost generation#8221;.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
As a literary technique, symbolism in literature has a great tradition and plays an important role in Hemingway#8217;s A Farewell to Arms. The writer of this thesis attempts to analyze the novel through discussion of symbolism from nature and religion. There are four parts in this thesis:Part One is a brief introduction to the author, A Farewell to Arms, and symbolism.Part Two is a detailed analysis of Hemingway#8217;s symbolism taken from nature. The writer of this thesis believes that Hemingway#8217;s use of symbolism is not accidental but deliberate. The various symbols from nature not only intensify the cruelty of natural laws, but also foreshadow the fate of the main characters. Part Three is an analysis of symbols from Christianity, which is also one of the most extraordinary elements in the novel.Part Four is the conclusion of the thesis. Through the thorough analyses, the writer holds that Hemingway#8217;s profuse use of symbolism makes a great contribution to the richness of the novel. It makes the contents of the novel rich and profound, and greatly influences Hemingway#8217;s characterization. There is no denying that the novel#8217;s popularity has a close connection with Hemingway#8217;s abundant use of symbolism. An analysis of symbolism in the novel helps readers with a better understanding of the A Farewell to Arms as a literary masterpiece and Hemingway as a great writer. OutlineI. Introduction1.1 Introduction to Hemingway and A Farewell to Arms1.2 Introduction to symbolismII. An analysis of symbols from nature 2.1 The symbols from natural phenomena2.2 The symbols from the natural landscapeIII. An analysis of symbols from religion3.1 The prototype in the Bible related to A Farewell to Arms3.2 The relationship between A Farewell to Arms and the BibleIV. ConclusionReferences
3. 国内外研究现状
As the second novel of Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms was first published in 1929. But it was in the 1950s that serious literary studies on it began. Carols Baker (1973), in the fifth chapter of his book Hemingway: The Writer as Artist, interpreted symbols in the novel. In his view, Hemingway established an association between rain and disaster, plains and war. Beegel (1996) pointed that in the 1960s criticism of Hemingway#8217;s A Farewell to Arms mainly focused on heroism and existentialism, on attitudes toward love and religion. Philip Young (1966) put forward the #8220;wound theory#8221;. In his view, the creation of A Farewell to Arms is related to Hemingway#8217;s war trauma. The 1970s and the early 1980 saw a new flurry of criticism on this novel because of the opening of the Hemingway collection in John F. Kennedy Library. Researchers interpret it from many different perspectives. Some read it from the perspective of Marxism, some explore it in terms of psychoanalytic criticism, some use feminist approaches, some probe into it from the theory of New Historicism, and some discuss it from the perspective of linguistics.In the early 1930s, Hemingway and his works were introduced into China. From then on, the research on and translations of Hemingway#8217;s works have been unfolding among the researchers and translators of China. From the angle of historical development, the research on and translations of Hemingway#8217;s works can be roughly divided into four periods. The first period was from 1937 to 1949. Chinese researchers during this period showed great interest in Hemingway#8217;s short stories and works that reflect Spanish Civil War, especially For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940). From 1949 to 1965 was the second period of Hemingway criticism in China. Although Hemingway#8217;s novels were constantly published during this period, criticism was rare. The third period was from 1966 to 1976. Hemingway#8217;s works were banned and sealed up for safekeeping. The fourth period covers the time from 1976 to the present day. It is a period of a nation-wide evaluation of Hemingway#8217;s life and works. During this period, scholars in the literary circle have been making unremitting efforts in Hemingway criticism. However, the present situation in Hemingway criticism is far from being satisfying. The discussion of themes and characterizations of Hemingway#8217;s works mainly focuses on his #8220;code hero#8221; of maintaining grace under pressure. In terms of Hemingway#8217;s artistic styles and narrative skills, critics in China remained concerned with his #8220;iceberg theory#8221;, his #8220;concrete language to construct an objective reality,#8221; and the explicit style of primarily using dialogues. As to symbolism,Han [韩美竹](2005) explored symbols that appear in Hemingway#8217;s famous works. Xu[许家进] (2007) interpreted religious elements in Hemingway#8217;s representative works. Cao[曹喜梅](2009)discussed symbolic meanings of natural phenomena in A Farewell to Arms. Mei [梅婕](2014) proposed that images of war in Hemingway#8217;s works had archetypes in the Bible. Cao[曹笑丽](2015) analyzed the novel using Frye#8217;s archetypal literary theory.From the brief summary of Hemingway studies both home and abroad above, it can be found that a comprehensive study of Hemingway#8217;s use of symbolism in A Farewell to Arms is still needed, especially with inclusion of symbols associated with religion.
4. 计划与进度安排
2022.10.26-2022.10.31 searching for the references and choosing the topic2022.11.1-2022.11.10 confirming the topic2022.11.10-2022.11.30 writing the research proposal2022.12.18-2022.2.18 writing the first draft of the paper2022.2.18-2022.3.18 revising the first draft2022.4.18-2022.4.30 submitting the final draft2022.5.18-2022.6.25 the thesis defense
5. 参考文献
Baker, C. (1973). Hemingway: The Writer as Artist (4th ed.). Princeton: Princeton UP,1973.Beegel, S. F. (1996). Conclusion: The critical reputation of Ernest Hemingway. In Scott Donaldson (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Ernest Hemingway (pp. 269-299).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Brunel, P. (1992). Companion to Literary Myth, Heroes and Archetypes. London: Longman Group Limited.Chen Fei. (2014). Natural Symbolism Used in A Farewell to Arms.海外英语, 157-158.Gui Ling. (2015). On Symbolism od A Farewell to Arms.校园英语, 142-143.Lewis, R. W. (1992). A Farewell to Arms: The War of the Words. New York: Twayne Publishers, 19.Spofford, W. (1978). Love in A Farewell to Arms. Fitzgerald-Hemingway Annual, 307-312.Young, P. Ernest Hemingway: A Reconsideration. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania UP, 1966.陈慧. (1982). 象征手法、象征主义和象征主义手法.河北学刊, 123-125.曹喜梅. (2009). 永别了武器中自然现象的象征意义.信阳农业高等专科学校学报,102-104.曹笑丽. (2015). 从原型批评角度分析永别了武器.湖南师范大学.韩美竹. (2005). 浅议海明威小说中的象征主义手法.名作欣赏, 17-19.刘荣强. (1999). 90年代国内海明威研究述评.国外文学, (3):28-33.梅婕. (2014). 海明威作品中战争意象的圣经原型.河北师范大学,2014.任海生,张殿雨. (2016). 象征主义手法与象征.邢台学院学报, (2):90-91.魏春红. (2008). 论永别了武器中的象征.齐齐哈尔高等师范专科学校学报, (3):87-88.许家进.(2007). 论海明威主要作品中的宗教因素.广西师范大学.辛磊. (2010). 浅析永别了武器中的象征.时代文学, 82-83.
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