On Animal Narratives in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe开题报告

 2022-07-31 14:49:51

1. 研究目的与意义

RobinsonCrusoe is regarded as the first real novel in England, and it also is thefoundation of realistic novel. After the publication of the novel, it has beenconcerned by the academic community. Scholars in different periods andcountries interpreted and reconstructed the novel from different perspectiveswhich included criticism and praise.

Since decade ago, animal studiesin western literature have developed rapidly in China. This theory is of greatsignificance, for example, it can provide a new view for people to think aboutthe relationship between human and non-human ethics, and it can improve thecrisis of contemporary ecological environment. However, the empiricalliterature which reflected the current situation of this field is almost blank.In recent years, the animal studies in Chinese have developed from nothing andgradually to a more mature and profound level. At the same time, animal studieshave left a broad exploration space for domestic animal research.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

2.1 Research Questions

With the development of society,technological innovation and progress of civilization has led to increasinglyserious ecological problems. Not only the environment has been damaged, butalso animals are facing unprecedented survival difficulties. The naturalenvironment and the fate of animals has gradually become the focus of peoplewho are worried about human’s future. What human beings must make clear is thatthe animal issue is not only the living condition of animals, but also is thereflection of the civilization level of a country and even the whole humansociety. No matter from the perspective of ecological crisis or from thedevelopment trend of humanism, human civilization has ushered in an importanthistorical node, that is, human beings must seriously and humbly face other animalson the earth.


3. 国内外研究现状

RobinsonCrusoe is Defoe''s representative work, as an important work in the history ofEnglish literature, which also is the opening masterpiece of the whole modernnovel. Therefore, many scholars research it from many perspectives, and someimportant perspectives are listed as follows:


4. 计划与进度安排




5. 参考文献


1. Adams, C. J.amp;Josephine D. (1995). Animals and Women: Feminist Theoretical Explorations. Durham and London Duke UP

2. Daniel D. (2010). Robinson Crusoe. China Aerospace PublishingHouse.

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