The Cultural Rewriting in Subtitle Translation of Main Theme Films – A Case study of the English Translation of My People, My Country and The Founding of a Republic开题报告

 2022-07-31 14:51:43

1. 研究目的与意义

As a special kind of films in China, maintheme films refer to films produced in a certain period of time to reflect thenational mainstream ideology and values. They are usually about typical eventsemerging in country-construction and social development. Recently, main theme films have become verypopular among the audiences in China, especially around the 70th anniversary ofthe People''s Republic of China. Owing to the particularity of the content andtheme of main theme films, the subtitling translation of them, while finishinglanguage transformation, must take full consideration of such factors aspolitical power, ideology, culture and the target audience''s acceptance aswell. Therefore, the study of this thesis is significant in terms of theory andpractice.

Firstly, at present, most ofthe pioneering studies on subtitling translation are flawed by approachesbiased by the linguistic dimension, ignoring various socio-cultural factorsthat havean impact on the final decision on how to translate a film. With theadvent of the cultural turn in translation studies, Andre Lefevere develops hisrewriting theory which provides an effective way to explain the subtitlingtranslation of main theme films, because what Lefevere proposes is just toshift translation studies from the traditional lingustic paradigm to thesocio-cultural paradigm. So it is meaningful to have a study in this field.

Secondly, if Chinese filmsare going to be more popular around the world, the subtitling translation mustget due scholarly attention. Main theme films with significant manipulativepower are part of an industry with an obvious political dimension. Theapplication of cultural rewriting in subtitle translation of main theme film ismore conducive to promoting foreign countries to better understand Chineseculture, and then strengthening cultural exchanges between China and foreigncountries. All in all, it is benefit for promoting Chinese culture to go out.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Research contents:

This article will focus onthe cultural rewriting in the English translation of main theme films. The thesiswill be divided into five parts, the first chapter is the introduction ofsubtitle translation in main theme films and the research purpose of thispaper. Chapter two is the introduction of the definition and three controlfactors- Patronage, Ideology and Poetics of Rewriting Theory.

Chapter three is the mainpart of the essay, which contains the analysis on the cultural rewriting in themain theme films. Based on Lefevere’s Rewriting Theory, the article will take My People, My Country and The Founding of aRepublic as an example to make a detail analysis of subtitle translation ofmain theme films. In this part, the general introduction of the two films willbe introduced firstly, then cultural rewriting of this two films will bedivided into four categories: Poems, Appellations, Cultural-Specific Iterms, Idioms.At the same time, each category will be supported by corresponding examples.


3. 国内外研究现状

In the last century, dubbedfilms were dominant, whereas subtitled ones are more popular in the 21stcentury. Subtitling has thus recently become the favored translation mode inthe multimedia world. The study of film subtitling translation, a relativelynew field of translation studies, appears to be more and more significant.

Inthe eassy “Sub-titling: Constrained translation” (Titford,1982) , subtitletranslation cnstraints were proposed, he thought that the problems definingsubtitling lies in the constraints imposed by the medium itself and introducedthe idea of constrained trandlation. In the same way, many scholars alsonoticed the subtitle translation constraints. For instance, Diaz-Cintas (1999)came up with six constraints on subtitle translation, namely time, space,music, image, phonetics and spoken language. Li Yunxing (2001) analyzed thefeatures of subtitling in terms of time and spaceconstraints, informative function and cultural factors. Then he proceeded putforward corresponding strategies of deduction, literal translation and laconictranslation.

Besides,subtitle translation strageties and principles are also an important researchfield. Gottlieb (1992) summarized ten translation methods, that is, deletion,expansion, transcription, etc. Zhang Chunbai (1998) and Qian Shaochang (2000)discussed several basic concepts and principles of subtitling, yet theirconclusions were mere results of practice, lacking in the systematic andtheoretical support. Yu Haikuo (2015) gave an overview of the current situationof film translation in China, and he summarized that standardization andsimplification are two major techniques in subtitling to overcome its spacialand temporal constraints. In addition, Ji Fengju and Song Jiping (2007)analyzed the use of condensation, reductive paraphrasing and deletion in thesubtitle translation of Hero from the perspective of the target readers andconcluded that the use of such strategies contributed to the readability of thetarget text.

Inrecent years, more and more attention has been paid to the interdisciplinarystudy of subtitle translation. Michael (2011) introduced a translation approachthat initiated the interdisciplinary study of combining film studies withtranslation and ideology behind the films. Analyses from theadaptation-selection theory (Chen Mei and Han Jianghong, 2013), FunctionalTranslation theory (Pan Yue, 2010) others theories were also made.


4. 计划与进度安排

2022,10,20——2022,11,1: Thesis selection

2022,11,7——2022,11,29: Opening report

2022,12,05——2022.03,03: Thesis draft


5. 参考文献

Diaz-Cintas,J. (1999). Dubbing or subtitling: the eternal dilemma. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 7(1), 31-40.

Gottlieb,H. and Cay, D.(Eds.).(1992). Subtitling--A new university discipline. Teaching translating and interpreting,161-170.

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