Analysis on Author’s Subjectivity in The Nightingale and the Rose开题报告

 2022-07-29 14:21:28

1. 研究目的与意义

At the end of the 19th Century, Oscar Wilde, an English aestheticism writer, who was a controversial man at that time, but his early works of fairy tales have been well received. The Nightingale and the Rose was collected in Happy Prince and Other Fairy Tales which was published by Wilde in 1888. The Nightingale and the Rose tells a touching and heartache story. Although the story is brief, it has a deep meaning, and its words and phrases exhibit Wilde#8217;s concept of aestheticism literature. This topic aims to explore the author''''s personal subjectivity, and the ideas and opinions which he wanted to express in the fairy tale through the study of his fairy tale 'Nightingale and rose'.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1.Research Contents The research will mainly focus on how the subjectivity of Wilde reflects in this fairy tale ------ The Nightingale and the Rose. At first, thesis will introduce the writer------ Oscar Wilde, including his life, the time he lived and works. Then the next research content will be divided into three aspects which analyze the relationship between Wilde and aestheticism, Wilde#8217;s view on religion, and his personal conceptions. There will be several small parts in these three major aspects to give specific introductions to the expression of these three points in The Nightingale and the Rose. 2.Key Problems The relationship between Wilde and aestheticism, Wilde#8217;s view on religion, and his personal conceptions. 3.Outline 1.Introduction 2.Literature Review 3.Oscar Wilde 3.1The Life of Wilde 3.2The Time Wilde Lived 3.3The Works Wilde Wrote 4.Wilde and Aestheticism 4.1Origins with Aestheticism 4.2The Expression of Aestheticism in The Nightingale and the Rose 4.2.1 Beauty of Imagery 4.2.2 Beauty of Language 4.2.3 Beauty of Tragedy 5.Wilde and Religion 5.1Views on Religion 5.2The Expression of Religion in The Nightingale and the Rose 6. Wilde and His Personal Conceptions 6.1The View of Life and Death 6.2The View of Life 6.3The View of Love 7. Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

1.Research Abroad The study of aestheticism and Wilde in Europe began almost at the same time as the research objects of the study appeared. In the same year as Wilde''''s speech of the British Renaissance in New York in 1882, Walter Hamilton published a book called 'British aestheticism movement' which traced the ideological origin of aestheticism and its artistic achievement and active personage of aestheticism------Wilde''''s creative works, speech and even the daily costume and pursuit of fashion. Also, it is a book which holds the objective evaluation and basically positive evaluation to the aestheticism and Wilde when Wilde was alive(Walter Hamilton,1882). After 1960s, under the influence of New Criticism, the study of Wilde has also paid more attention to the text------ the artistic form of his his works. Ellman#8217; Wilde has been recognized as the most authoritative biography of Wilde, he made the comprehensive review and evaluation of Wilde''''s life and works(Richard Ellman,1984). 2.Research At Home In addition to Shakespeare''''s works, Wilde''''s works are the most read and translated into most kinds of languages in Europe. Because of this, almost everyone in the Chinese literary world knows Wilde. Early in February 1917, Chen Duxiu put him on a par with Hugo, Dickens, and Zola in The theory of Literary Revolution. With the gradual understanding of Wilde''''s works, the study of Wilde in China has been promoted in an all-round way from 1990s. For example, she[凌茜](2008) tried to use Wilde''''s novels and fairy tales to illustrate Wilde''''s Aestheticism, which makes Wilde''''s conception no longer an empty and boring theory, but can be confirmed in his works. He[张介明](2005)discussed the philosophy of aestheticism, the relationship between aesthetics and literature and its changes in different regions in his article. He also analyzed the development and dissemination of the aesthetic movement. These all have some reference to the study of aesthetic theory.

4. 计划与进度安排

The paper will be written in the order of the outline. Outline: 1.Introduction 2.Literature Review 3.Oscar Wilde 3.1The Life of Wilde 3.2The Time Wilde Lived 3.3The Works Wilde Wrote 4.Wilde and Aestheticism 4.1Origins with Aestheticism 4.2The Expression of Aestheticism in The Nightingale and the Rose 4.2.1Beauty of Imagery 4.2.2Beauty of Language 4.2.3Beauty of Tragedy 5.Wilde and Religion 5.1Views on Religion 5.2The Expression of Religion in The Nightingale and the Rose 6.Wilde and His Personal Conceptions 6.1 The View of Life and Death 6.2 The View of Life 6.3 The View of Love 7. Conclusion Meanwhile, the paper should be finished and handed in time. 2022.10.26---2022.11.1 Searching for the references and choosing the topic 2022.11.2 ---2022.11.10 Confirming the topic 2022.11.11 ---2022.11.30 Writing the research proposal 2022.12.1 ---2022.3.18 Writing the first draft of the paper 2022.3.19 ---2022.4.30 Revising the first draft 2022.4.30 ---2022.5.25 Submitting the final draft 2022.5.25---2022.6.20 The thesis defense

5. 参考文献

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