1. 研究目的与意义
Humor often brings peoplejoy, which is characterized by wit, self-deprecation,ridicule and so on. It''''s true that humor can help to eliminate hostility, easefriction and prevent conflicts from intensifying. Others believe that humor canalso boost morale and productivity.
It is found that thedifferences between Chinese and American verbal humor are mainly manifested inthe choice of topic content, high and low context, scope of use and applicableobjects. The main reasons for these differences are historical background,cultural perception and values, social customs, etc.(Ying Wang,2019)Humor inlanguage is the use of meaningful humorous language to express feelings andconvey information, so as to arouse the audience''''s pleasure and interest, thusaffecting and enlightening the audience. In many academic lectures, the use ofhumor in language better make the lecture go on smoothly. It is necessary for teachers to have a sense of humor and use humor inteaching to improve the teaching effect, and it is also a personalized teachingart created by teachers with intelligence. Humor is an importantteaching method. The proper use of humor by teachers can stimulate students''''emotion and interest and initiative in learning, help students deepen theirunderstanding and memory of knowledge, improve the efficiency of classroomteaching, and obviously enhance the practicability and interest of teaching.
Besides, humor is not a vocabulary that has existed since the birth of Chinesecharacters. As for Chinese students’ understanding of humor in Americanacademic lectures, this paper explores humor in American academiclectures and Chinese students’ sense of humor. The United States is one of themost popular countries for foreign students, but only a few people investigatehumor in academic background or foreign students'''' understanding of humor. In myresearch, humorous examples are identified and analyzed in one or two lecturesrecorded in the American academic lectures such as Justice. Some Chinesestudents, non-Chinese students and all the lecturers in my recorded lecturescommented on some humorous examples. In this paper, I will investigate humor inacademic background or foreign students'''' understanding of humor, identify andanalyze one or two lectures in the American academic spoken English corpus.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Humor in American Academic Lectures and Chinese students''''Perception of It Due to the culture differences between China and America,students’ perception of humor is different and thus there are some problemsthat exist among Chinese students of understanding humor in American academiclectures.This paper willanalyze the humor in American academic lectures and compare American students’and Chinese students’ perception of humor to help Chinese students understand humorous language in American academic lectures. Then try to find the detaileddifferent understanding between American and Chinese students, thus solve theproblems further.
3. 国内外研究现状
A number of scholars have studied humor inconversations in academic contexts between native and non-native speakers ofEnglish (Yu Wang, 2014). It has been shown that lecturers''different humorous language can make audience smile by heart and be willing toaccept the criticism of kindness. Humorous and funny language can make audiencestay in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere of learning and thinking, activelyexplore knowledge and obtain development. Lecturers should think actively andtry different methods to achieve good humor effect. They can make fun of othersin good faith, use ingenious metaphor, exaggerate (Jinfa Zhao and RongfangZhang, 2019). Humorplays important interpersonal roles in everyday life (Yu Wang, 2014). The lecturer pays attention to the evaluationof linguistic phenomena or viewpoints, and through the use of appreciationresources, the audience can grasp the key points and difficulties; in terms ofjudgment, the lecturer discusses the cognitive laws or phenomena of language,and generally does not praise or condemn audience’s behavior; in terms ofemotion, because the lecture is to convey linguistic scientific information, itis generally irrelevant to the lecturer''''s emotion. The lecturer is an objectiveand impartial information transmitter, they use all kinds of attitude means toshow their position, in order to win the position of the audience, and form aconsistent relationship with the audience (Laijuan Xu, 2013). Yu Wang’s study contributes to achieving afuller picture of how humor plays a role in intercultural contexts. In hisstudy, he takes some instances of humor identified and analyzed in a largenumber of lectures recorded in the British Academic Spoken English corpus and13-hour academic lectures recorded by him. And he finds that there were stillevident gaps between the Chinese students’ perceptions and the lecturers’intentions in British academic lectures in his study.
To study Chinese students’ perceptions of humor inAmerican academic lectures and make people better learn humor in language, thispaper try to find the some details.
4. 计划与进度安排
1.1.Humor as paradoxical face-work
5. 参考文献
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Helga, K. Responding to irony in different contexts: oncognition in conversation. Journal ofPragmatics, 35 (2003), 1387-1411
Hilary, N. Laughter in universitylectures. J. Engl. Acad. Purp, 11 (2012), 79-89
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