1. 研究目的与意义
Language transfer refers to the phenomenon thatspeakers or writers applying knowledge from one language to another language.When the relevant unit or structure of both languages is the same, linguisticinterference can result in correct language production call positive transfer.Otherwise, it will have a negative transfer.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Basedon the theory of language transfer, this paper discussed the phenomenon ofnegative transfer between English as the second language and French as the thirdlanguage at the lexical level by analyzing French compositions written byfreshmen major in French. This paper will first introduce the definition of thethird language acquisition and language transfer and the correlational researchat home and abroad. Next, this paper will give an overview of the methodology,including the participants, instruments, procedures and data collection anddata analysis. At the end of this article, writing sample analysis will begiven and according to these analyses, this article will figure out how Englishvocabulary affects Chinese student’s French writing from form-based transferand meaning-based transfer these two aspects.
3. 国内外研究现状
Among all second language acquisition research, itseems like English plays a dominant role. While recently, researchers have recognizedthe need to expand their research topics and research areas. Since languagetransfer happens both in the second language acquisition and the third languageacquisition, linguistics cannot neglect the fact that the transfer exists inthe third language acquisition.
In fact,nowadays, most essays on the third languages acquisitions mentioned aboutlanguage transfer. According to Wei Yali amp; Peng Dingjin (2015), scholarsfrom Central South University, language transfer occurs at many levels oflanguage analysis, such as phoneme transfer, semantic vocabulary transfer,syntactic vocabulary transfer, pragmatic transfer, text transfer, etc. Amongall these different transfers, the research results of lexical transfer,syntactic transfer and phonetic transfer are relatively rich. As for lexicaltransfer, it was the most frequently studied areas. Back in the 1970s, AstridStedjie carried out the study of vocabulary leaning during the third languageacquisition. She affirmed the possibility of language transfer by doingresearches on Finnish variant learners whose native language is Finnish, thesecond language is Swedish. (Wei Yali amp; PengDingjin, 2015)
In recentyears, many scholars preferred to study lexical transfer from the perspectiveof psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, like Cenoz et al. (2013), De Angeils(2005), Williams and Hammarberg (2001). They held the view that lexicaltransfer of the third language acquisition has three different forms: pure codeswitching (using the vocabulary of a language in another language), lexicalborrowing(using background language or words with similar spelling in targetlanguage inappropriately) and vocabulary creation(applying morphemes from thebackground language to the target language at the morphological andphonological levels).
4. 计划与进度安排
1. Introduction
1.2Purposeand significance of research
5. 参考文献
De Angelis G. (2005). Interlanguage transfer onfunction words. Language Learning, (3), 379-414
Norm C. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
William C. (1990) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
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