1. 研究目的与意义
Rapport,defined as ‘‘people’s subjective perceptions of (dis)harmony, smoothness--turbulenceand warmth--antagonism in interpersonal relationship’’ (Spencer-Oatey andFranklin, 2009:102), has been shown to play an important role in recent years. Pragmatically,it broadens previous studies of Politeness Principle which was put forward byBrown and Levinson (1987) mainly focuses on the study of interpersonalharmonious relationships. Because Spencer-Oatey takes intoaccount both the discursive turn of politeness research (Eelen, 2001) and therelational turn of pragmatics (Locher and Watts, 2005). Practically, it gives uslight when we deal with people from all walks of life. People are exposed to alot of disputes and disagreements whenever they provide a new idea or keepsilent on a certain topic at conference. They also incite disapproval andcriticism if not speaking or behaving very well in workplace and life. So it isof great significance to learn how to build and maintain harmoniousrelationships between colleagues, neighbors, friends, family even strangers.
Despite the existence ofother frameworks for the analysis of commencement speeches in the presentstudy, they are little connected the topic with rapport building. But it shouldbe done much more efforts for the following reasons. Firstly, commencement speech is a beneficial way toencourage and educate graduates to get on well with themselves. That is to say,they will be positive and smile to face challenges in the rest of their livesif they gasp the meaning of rapport building. Secondly, graduates will starttheir own business soon, which is necessary for them to deal with differentpeople. As a member of society, they definitely have to cooperate andcommunicate with others. With a better rapport management, they will gain moreachievements by their communicative and social skills with people. Last but notleast, graduates, with brighter future, are inclined to accept new theories andideas quickly. Their behavior will influence not only the students in theircampus but those older and younger people around them, thus gradually form afriendly atmosphere in our society.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
1. The generic approach used in this study.
2.The quantitative and qualitative analysis of rapport building in commencementspeeches.3. 国内外研究现状
Rapport wasfirst defined as people’s subjective perceptions of (dis)harmony,smoothness--turbulence and warmth--antagonism in interpersonal relationship bySpencer-Oatey and Franklin. It has been shown to play an important role incommunication (e.g. Gordon, 2006; Ho, 2011b; Planken, 2005; Spencer-Oatey andXing, 2008). Spencer-Oatey points out that Politeness Principle which was putforward by Brown and Levinson (1987) mainly focuses on the study ofinterpersonal harmonious relationships.
The foundations of rapport are built by three interconnectedcomponents, namely face sensitivities, sociality rights and obligations, andinteractional goals (Spencer-Oatey, 2008:14). The notion of rapport management has been considered one of the bestframeworks for the analysis of (im)politeness to date, as it takes into accountboth the discursive turn of politeness research (Eelen, 2001) and therelational turn of pragmatics (Locher and Watts, 2005).
4. 计划与进度安排
1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Methodology 3.1Research Questions 3.2Data 4. Analysis of rapport building in commencementspeeches 4.1 Quantitative Analysis 4.1.1The distribution of rapport building in“moves” of commencement speeches 4.1.2 The distribution frequencies of topicsof rapport building 4.2 Qualitative Analysis 4.2.1 The characteristics of speechstructure 4.2.2 The use of vague language4.2.3 The appraisal functions forgraduates’ future development 5 Conclusion
5. 参考文献
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