1. 研究目的与意义
Thomas Gray was a famous English poet in the middle of the 18th century and also the pioneer of the sentimental poetry and Graveyard school. He is widely known for the poem, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. In this poem, Gray reflects on death and the sorrows of life and puts an emphasis on the fact that death is inevitable and that even the paths of glory lead but to the grave. Firstly, this paper is trying to analyze the images in the poem and the author#8217;s creation intention. The image and its symbolic meanings can reflect emotions of the poet and social background of the day, which gives readers a deeper understanding of the poet and society at that time. Secondly, though studies of imagery in poems are very popular in academic circles, there are few researches analyzing images in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Finally, by studying the images in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, readers can appreciate the beauty and artifice of English poetry in the 18th century and it still have an meaningful influence on the creation of contemporary poetry.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
1.Research ContentsThe research will mainly focus on the analysis of images in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. It is widely known that imagery is an indispensable part in poetry, and the images in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard are especially prominent. So the Research contents will be divided into the following several aspects: Firstly, understanding the definition and classification of imagery and giving a general classification of images in the poem. Temporarily, this paper divides the images into the natural image and the character image. Secondly, analyzing rhetoric means and creation intention of the two types of images, the poet used which kind of figure of speech, such as metaphors, and the author''s creation background. Finally exploring the changes of images in the poem, which can reflect the thought of the author.2.ProblemsThe influence of the changes of images; The application of defamiliarization and metaphors; The categories of imagery. 3. OutlineIntroduction1. The Images of Nature in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard1.1. Static and Dynamic Images of nature1.2. The Changes of Natural Images1.3. Functions of Natural images2. The Images of Character in Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard2.1. The image of family members2.2. The Changes of Character Images2.3. Functions of Character ImagesConclusionReferences
3. 国内外研究现状
1.Research At homeThomas Gray is one of the most famous English poets in the 18th century and his contributions to literature still have influenced the creation of contemporary poetry. At present, domestic academia has researched his famous poem, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, a lot. There are 43 papers concerning with the poem. The researches can be divided into three parts. Some domestic researchers focus on the study of the translation of the poem. After its first publication in 1751, the poem has been translated into different versions, Chinese, Latin, German, and Italian. There are three papers researching the comparative studies of different version. Ding Jun and Wu Xiaolong made a muti-version study of the poem from the perspective of stylistics and explained the lexical features of the three Chinese translated versions (DingWu, 2013, p. 26). While, other scholars analyzed Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard from the perspective of images, rhetoric and rhythm. Zhang Fengwei and Wang Dongmei pointed out#8220; Its success comes from the application of defamilization shown in the lexical and syntactic level and beautiful melody embodied in rhythm and rhyme#8221;(Zhang, 2011, p.14). Besides, Lin Jing analyzed the perfect combination between phonology, images and rhetoric in the poem (Lin, 2010, p.265). However, some scholars not only concentrated on the application of rhetoric and phonology, but also paid attention to other aspects. Chen Shaoping thought #8220;it praises and sympathizes with the honest ploughman and their pastoral life. Yet, in the meantime, there is an incisive social criticism hidden behind a sentiment that is both classical and romantic#8221;(Chen, 2016, p.216). Gao Qingyan analyzed the poem from the perspective of intergradation and pointed out, #8220; it carries on the characteristic of classicism and prepares the coming of romanticism.#8221;(Gao, 2008, p.114). As for the research on the images in the poem, the papers mainly analyzed the image of the ploughman. Ge Zhaoxia claimed #8220;Thomas Gray satirizes the wasteful luxury of #8216;somebody#8217; in the society and shows great sympathy for he ploughman in the poem.#8221;(Ge, 2006, p.114). Meanwhile, Zhao Guozhu made a study of the natural images in the poem and functions of these images (Zhao, 2014, pp.31-33).In general, domestic scholars mainly analyzed thoughts, feelings and themes of Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard or studied the poem from the perspective of stylistics. There are some papers researching on the images in the poem, but they do not expound and analyse the issue systematically.2.Research Abroad After its publication, many foreign critics and researchers have studied on the poem and the poet. Samuel Johnson praised Gray#8217; s Elegy in The Life of Gray,#8220;The Church-yard abounds with images which find a mirrour in every mind, and with sentiments to which every bosom returns an echo#8221;(Samuel, 1905, Vol iii). Some scholars made a study of the relationship between Thomas Gray#8217;s life and the background of Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. #8220;The Elegy is undeniably shaped by the loss of West if no other reason than, Gray lost the one reader on whose sympathies he could rely without hesitation#8221; (Michele, 2002, p.18)Some researchers made an analysis of the poem#8217;s setting, character, and poetic language and suggested the Elegy is concerned not with a choice of life or death, but a choice of eternity. Instead of mourning in traditional fashion the end of the glorious life of an elite individual, Gray#8217;s composition mourns the poor#8217; s death as an extension of their frustrated lives, their #8216;death-in-life#8217;#8221;(Joshua, 1993, p.96). While some critics thought the central subject of the Elegy is not the contrast between the poor and the great but the contrast between the nature and meaning of epitaphs.(George, 1977, p.382)As for the topic of images, there are few papers researching it comprehensively. Some researchers studied the language of images in the poem. #8220;In the third stanza, the images less emphatically classical, remain conventionally poetic and once more stress physical elevation and the emotional elevation associated with it#8221;(Patricia, 1965, p.523). George T. Wright pointed out that the poem is full of echoes from other classical or modern poets, and the imagery in the poem is mostly conventional. (George, 1977, p.384). Other scholars put emphasis on the image of the ploughman in the poem. They thought Gray created the image of the ploughman to show the great sympathy for the ordinary people.While Lorna Clymer thought the dizzying series of displacements and substitution of the subject in the poem resulted from a complex manipulation of epitaphic rhetoric, which analyzed the images in the poem from the perspective of rhetoric. (Lorna, 1995, p.363) In conclusion, researches on Gray#8217;s Elegy aboard mainly concentrated on the analysis of themes and thoughts. There are few scholars studied the beauty of different versions of poem. Meanwhile, critics emphasized the technique of the poem contributing to the development of literature genre. There are some papers researching on the images in the poem, but they do not expound and analyze the issue systematically.
4. 计划与进度安排
The paper will be written in the order of the outline. The first stage of writing the paper is to research the concerning papers about the poem and the poet and then makes a comprehensive analysis of related papers. Then, as the paper mainly focuses on the images in the poem, it is necessary to study the definition and classification of imagery and giving a general classification of images in the poem. Also, metaphors are widely used in the poem, so the paper will concentrate on analyzing the rhetoric used to describe the images. Finally, the change of images in the poem is one of the poem#8217;s great attractions, which need to be studied after careful consideration of all the problems. Meanwhile, the paper should be finished and handed in time.2022.10.26---2022.11.1Searching for the references and choosing the topic2022.11.2 ---2022.11.10Confirming the topic2022.11.11 ---2022.11.30 Writing the research proposal2022.12.1 ---2022.3.18 Writing the first draft of the paper2022.3.19 ---2022.4.30 Revising the first draft2022.4.30 ---2022.5.25 Submitting the final draft2022.5.25---2022.6.20 The thesis defense
5. 参考文献
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