The Translation Strategies of Culture-loaded Words in Camel Xiangzi From the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization开题报告

 2022-08-01 20:37:50

1. 研究目的与意义

Languageis one of the most significant carriers of culture, which is especially evidentin the literary works with the imprint of time and region. Camel Xiangzi written by Lao She is a typical literary work that contains a substantialnumber of words and expressions with Chinese cultural connotations and localcolor. It is a literary work suitable for studying the translation of culture-loadedwords. Domestication and foreignization, as the most frequently usedtranslation strategies, have always been the focus of controversy ontranslation. The use of domestication and foreignization is neither absolutenor completely opposite. In literary translation practice, the two above haveoverlapping parts and have their own advantages, and the translation strategiesshould be flexibly selected according to the characteristics of the literary worksand relevant cultural background so that they can better promote the spread ofChinese culture. This paper aims at discussing the application of domesticationand foreignization in the translation of culture-loaded words, hoping to abalance between adopting domestication and foreignization that can not onlyaccurately convey the meaning of culture-loaded words to readers, but also canavoid the loss of the characteristics of the original language. In addition,the cultural factors that translators take into consideration when translatingthe culture-loaded words will be analyzed and concluded in this study asreference.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Thispaper discusses the translation strategies of culture-loaded words from theperspective of domestication and foreignization through the study of Camel Xiangziof Shi Xiaojing''''''''s version.

3. 国内外研究现状

CamelXiangzi (translated by Shi Xiaojing) or RickshawBoy (translated by Evan King) is a representative literary works in Chinesemodern literary field written by Lao She. It is set in the 1920s in old Beijing.With Lao She born in underclass, the language style of his work naturally hasthe local color of old Beijing, making Camel Xiangzi an ideal piece ofwork for the introduction to Chinese culture by properly translating theculture-loaded words.

I. Studyon Culture-loaded Words

Differentcountries have their own culture-loaded words because of differences in geographicalposition, dwelling environment, social structure, historical background,religious belief, living habit and lifestyle.


4. 计划与进度安排

I. Introduction

1.1 Introduction of Luotuoxiangzi

1.2 Significance of the Study

II. Culture-loadedWords

2.1Definition of Culture-loaded Words

2.2Classification of Culture-loaded Words

III. Domesticationand Foreignization

IV. Analysisof CLW Translation in Camel Xiangzi

4.1Domestication-oriented CLW Example Analysis

4.2Foreignization-oriented CLW Example Analysis


5.1 Findings

5.2 Limitations

5. 参考文献

ChenBo. (2012). Domestication and Foreignization Used in the Two EnglishVersions of Luotuo Xiangzi: A Contrastive Study. Qufu Teachers University.

Lin Jiang. (2019).Discussion on the Translation Methods of Culture-loaded Words in Lu XunSelected Essays. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Culture,Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2019).

Shi Xiaojing.(trans) (2006). By Lao She. Camel Xiangzi. Beijing: Foreign LanguagePress.

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