E-C Proverb Translation:the Perspective of Speech Act Theory开题报告

 2022-08-01 20:37:53

1. 研究目的与意义

Proverbs, as a kind of idiomatic expression of a country, not only reflect people’s ways of life and customs, but also carry and embody the rich cultural meaning. They serve as a bridge between two different countries for people to understand each other and experience a different culture. Therefore, it is a good way to learn culture of a country by studying proverbs. However, it also poses a challenge to the translation of proverbs because of the lack of cultural background, thus causing misunderstanding or inappropriateness. While scholars both from abroad and home have done a lot of research on proverbs from the cultural perspective and coming up with many translation principles, the translation of proverbs is independent of the context and needs to be studied further. The translators in China have to make more efforts to present a proper meaning in a certain context because proverbs are invented for communication. Therefore, they need to be studied in terms of pragmatics, where speech act theory plays an important role in language use. This theory can provide a new insight for translating proverbs, so it is significant to study translation of English proverbs from the perspective of speech act theory.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The essay will discuss the feasibility of applying the speech act theory into proverb translation and illustrate examples in details about how to achieve good translation through this theory. The examples will be mainly analyzed from the illocutionary act proposed by Searle, such as representative act, expressive act and directive act.

The essay is divided into five parts. Chapter one is mainly about the literature review and current studies of proverb translation. Chapter two introduces briefly the speech act theory proposed by Austin and its revision by John Searle. Chapter three discusses the reasons why the speech act theory can be used in proverb translation in terms of the features of proverbs and the theory itself. Chapter four is the major part of the essay. It analyzes the actual application of the locutionary act and the illocutionary act in translating proverbs, in which the illocutionary act can be further divided into representative act, directive act and expressive act to analyze proverb translation in specific context. Chapter five makes a summary of the essay and points out some limitations.

3. 国内外研究现状

Definition of proverbs

As for the definition of proverbs, it is difficult to give a single precise one and different people or countries have a varied collection of their own views on proverbs. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (2006),” Proverb is a well-known phrase or sentence that gives advice or says something that is generally true.” ( Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 2006) Scholars both from abroad and home also present their different understandings of proverbs, such as “ A proverb is usually defined as an instructive sentence, or common and pithy saying, in which more is generally designed than expressed” introduced by John Ray. Chinese scholar like Lai Yu (1982) assumes that a proverb is concise in form, vivid in image and rhythmic in reading. Above all, it can be seen that proverbs bear some common characteristics. Therefore, they can be roughly defined as sentences which are short in length and vivid in expression as a way to instruct people.


4. 计划与进度安排

1. Introduction

1.1 Research background

1.2 Significance of the study


5. 参考文献

Nida, E. A. (1964). Toward a Science of Translation—With Special Reference to Principles and Procedures Involved in Bible Translation. Leiden: Brill.

Nida, E. A. (1993). Language, Culture and Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary. (2006). Beijing: the Commercial Press.

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