1. 研究目的与意义
Studying the discursive strategies for construction of identities in product recall statement has great value in academic perspective and practical perspective.
Academically, the study of discursive strategies for construction of identities in product recall statement is very scarce. In terms of so much linguistic data used in this study, discursive strategies for construction of identities in product recall statement are widely applied to public relation crisis management. However, most of the current researches are mainly from the perspective of journalism and public relations with the purpose of promoting corporate image and culture. Researches on discursive strategies for construction of identities are rarely involved in the enterprise product recall statement. This research analyses product recall statement with pragmatic theory. It enriches analysis angles of studies of product recall statement, especially from the angle of discursive strategies for construction of identities. In other words, it can also enrich the interdisciplinary study of product recall statement. From the aspect of research object, this study, to some extent, enriches the theory of identity construction.
Studying the discursive strategies for construction of identities in product recall statement has great value in academic perspective and practical perspective.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
The paper analyses the discursive strategies for construction of identities in corporate product recall statement from the aspect of linguistic, including micro-linguistic and macro-linguistic and aims to give suggestions to the practical writing of product recall statement.
So the key issue to be resolved is how to utilize the discursive strategies in the process of writing product recall statement since an appropriate discursive strategy can make the corporation have better economic profits.
3. 国内外研究现状
Discourse is the language spoken or written by people while the discursive strategy is the way to make discourse expression more effective. Successful discursive strategies can improve the acceptability and understanding of discourse receivers, strengthening the power of discourse. So far, a number of studies on discursive strategies focus on the content of corporate discourse from description and analysis of rhetoric and style. Studies on discursive strategies for construction of corporate identities from the perspective of language implementation and characteristics are rarely. Frans, van, Eemere (2006) published a book named Strategic Manipulation in Polemical Discourse: An Extension of Pragmatic Polemical Theory. This book systematically introduces the extension of pragmatic argumentation theory and its practical application.Ju Chenxi studied the discursive strategies and its significance on novels written by Wang Shuo. She found that the writer Wang Shuo was good at using different discursive strategies to express different themes. Liu Yapeng (2019) analyzed the discursive strategies in critical discourse and found a conclusion that there is an indispensable relationship between identification and location.
Studies on Product Recall Statement
A product recall statement is a practical writing aimed at informing the public of the recall information. Since it is usually issued by corporations or government authorities, the product recall statement always forcefully asks consumers or retailers to return defective products which can’t meet the standard of safety. Current studies on corporate product recall statement are mainly from the perspective of business administrations, economics, science of law, public relations, and so on. Recently, researches on product recall statement have paid more attention to the statement of the recall and the influence of product recall. Chandran and Lancioni (1981:46) pointed out the urgent fact that “Product recalls are no longer in the realm of theoretical possibilities. It is a regular fact of business life among manufacturers of both industrial and consumer products.” Gurau and Serban (2005) analyzed the structure, content and style of corporate product recall statements published in Britain in 2003 and found that there is no relationship between the danger degree of the faulty and the communication position of the company or the style of suggestions given to consumers. Ding Ying (2008) explored the politeness strategies in English business recall statement and found that both positive strategies and negative strategies are adopted in corporate recall statement. Wang Feng (2013) researches the genre of English voluntary food recall statement. More and more data shows that researches on product recall statement from pragmatic angle have become popular.
4. 计划与进度安排
The paper is divided into six parts. First, an introduction to the thesis, including the research background, research questions, research purpose and significance and the thesis structure is given out. The second part is to illustrate the literature review of the two nouns, studies on discursive strategies and studies on product recall statement. The third aspect is to set forth the research methodology, including research design, research procedures, data-collections and data analysis method. The forth part and the fifth part analyse discursive strategies in product recall statement from the angle of micro-linguistic and macro-linguistic. And it will take the recall statement of Dove as a case study. The last part will give a whole conclusion of this paper.
5. 参考文献
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