On the Translation of Chinese Online Fantasy Novels from the Perspective of Eco-translatology — A Case Study of Coiling Dragon开题报告

 2022-08-06 08:59:17

1. 研究目的与意义

First of all, Eco-translatology,formed under the background of the global ecological theory boom, is a relativelynew translation theory. After the theory is published, it has been widely usedin the study of literary translation, philosophy and social sciencetranslation, applied translation, translation teaching and so on. This articleintroduces Eco-translatology into the translation studies of Internet fantasynovels that are not yet highly regarded, which broadens the scope ofapplication of Eco-translatology.

What''s more, the background, languageand plot of fantasy novels are highly distinctive, making it difficult totranslate. But it is for this very reason that the study of it is of greatvalue. This paper aims to analyze the merit and demerit of the translation of CoilingDragon in order to provide some suggestions for fantasy novel translating.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Thedistinctiveness of the language of fantasy novel determines its difficult intranslation. Through the analysis of the English translation of the Internetfantasy novel Coiling Dragon, this paper aims to put forward someavailable English translation strategies of fantasy novels.

The essay is divided into fourparts. Chapter one is mainly about what is Eco-translatology and theinterpretation of translation principles, methods and evaluation. Chapter twoanalyzes the textual features of fantasy novels from three aspects: vocabulary,sentence and narration. Chapter three is the major part of the essay. Itsummarizes some translation strategies used in the translation of CoilingDragon from language dimension, communication dimension and culturaldimension. Chapter three will be related to Eco-translatology. The last part isthe summary of the essay.

3. 国内外研究现状

1.Previous Studies ofEco-translatology at Home

Eco-translatology wasfirstly put forward by Hu Gengshen at the FIT-Third Asian Translation’s Forumin 2001. After that, Professor Hu has published a series of articles on it. In2013, Professor Hu published the book Eco-translatology: Construction amp; Interpretationto systematically expound the development and core concept ofEco-translatology.


4. 计划与进度安排


1.BriefIntroduction of Eco-translatology

1.1 Interpretation of translationprinciples


5. 参考文献

Strowe.(2019).Eco-translation:translation and ecology in the age of the Anthropocene. The Translator(3).

DouglasRobinson.(2013).Hu Gengshen and the Eco-Translatology of Early Chinese Thought. 东方翻译(01),9-29.

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