An Analysis of The Moon and Sixpence from the Perspective of Feminism开题报告

 2022-08-08 09:33:42

1. 研究目的与意义

It was in the English literature class that I first heard the name Maugham and then began to know him and his stories. After that I am interested in this writer. William Somerset Maugham, an English realist writer with lots of novels and short stories, is said to be one of the most popular writers in the twentieth century. He is really good at telling stories and know how to attract readers. Among his novels, The Moon and Sixpence is a well-known one. It mainly tells us the story of a protagonist, Charles Strickland, with three different women--his wife Mrs. Strickland, his lover Blanche and a woman named Ata. Meanwhile, these three female images created by the author also represent the female view of author or male society at that time. A good literature is worthy of being studied from different perspectives. In order tounderstand this novel deeply, I decided to analyze this story, especially three women in it, from the perspective of feminism. Thus we can not only know the Maugham#8217;s female view, but also get a better understanding of feminism and feminist literary criticism from three women wrote by Maugham.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My thesis mainly analyzes three female images and Maugham#8217;s view on women in The Moon and Sixpence from the perspective of Feminism. I hope that through this study, we can analyze some characters of this work from a new perspective instead of only focusing on the leading character from the theme of humanity. The outline of my thesis is as follow: An analysis of The Moon and Sixpence from the Perspective of Feminism 1.Introduction 2.Literature review 2.1 A brief introduction of The Moon and Sixpence and the author 2.2 The status quo of domestic and foreign research 3.Feminism and Feminist literary criticism 3.1 The definition and evolution of feminism 3.2 Feminist literary criticism and its development 4.Three female Images in this story 4.1 Mrs. Strickland 4.2 Blanche 4.3 Ata 5. Feminist literary criticism of this story 5.1 Maugham#8217;s misogyny 5.2Maugham#8217;s view on women 6. Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

The Moon and Sixpence is a work from the perspective of a man, which is unfair for women to be written by a man. Among them, many description of women are incomplete or even distorted, which obviously neglects the characteristics of women themselves. (Wang, 2014) In an exploration of human nature in The Moon and Sixpence, Luo (2011) said that Strickland despises women and he is a selfish man. In fact, Strickland never left a woman in his whole life. In addition to the ex-wife, Stroeve's wife, Blanche, and finally on the island of Tahiti, the adorable girl Ata living together, it can be said that without the care of these women, especially when Blanche carefully looked after for him during his illness and when Ata was accompanied by the last stages of his life, Strickland not only failed to achieve his prestige, but already lost his life. But Strickland, on the other hand, enjoys the comfort of a woman's love without regard to their feelings or even their life. Leaving his ex-wife and leaving Blanche, even when Ata was at risk for the spread of leprosy, he did not care them at all, except contempt and ridicule. In Beauvoir's the Second Sex, she frequently mentioned the real position of woman in man's world---the Other. In her opinion, woman is an inevitable part in man's life, because he needs something real and other than himself to attain himself. Though no man would consent to be a woman, every man wants women to exist(139-141). Strickland never admits the importance of woman in his life, but the truth is that he cannot live without one by his side all the time. A meal-cooker is not all that he wants because woman can also provide a 'great variety of behavior and sentiment to stimulate and enrich his life' (Beauvoir 192). 'Feminist criticism is the result of the upsurge and deep penetration of the Western feminist movement in the fields of culture and literature and thus inevitably has a clear political orientation.' (Wang , 2005)

4. 计划与进度安排

The plan: After finishing choosing the topic of my thesis, I will use the resources of college library and Internet materials to collectthe information about the topic. Then I will analyze the literature and sort them out to determine the orientation and content of my thesis. The process: Before Nov. 10th,2022--To finish selecting the topic of the thesis, collect reasonably literature materials; Before Nov. 30th, 2022-- To finish the research proposal, and read relevant materials; Before Mar. 18th,2022-- To finish the first draft; Before Apr. 30th,2022-- To finish the modification of the thesis, final draft ; Before May 25th,2022-- To finish the oral defense of the dissertation. The expected effect: Accomplish a satisfactory paper

5. 参考文献

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