American Consumer Culture as Reflected in Sister Carrie开题报告

 2022-08-08 09:34:43

1. 研究目的与意义

The Second Industrial Revolution was a turning point for the U.S. which became the strongest power around the world under the capitalist economic system. At this time, American consumer culture was affected to some degree by the development of people's conscious shift. Booming market and abundant substance were also stimulating consumer spending. It is the modern mind and consumption view that comply with the new development trend changing in a new era. Dreiser, an extremely realistic writer in America, created in his novels various characters of the American society who reflected largely social inequality of America and the rise of a new consumer culture. Sister Carrie, the first novel of Dreiser, reveals that Carrie sold her body and soul to purse a desirable and rich life to satisfy herself, which changed the girl from a country maid to a giant Broadway star, which helps readers to think. This article aims to analyze the American consumer culture by researching the protagonist's consumption view.

2. 研究内容和预期目标


This paper mainly researches and analyzes American consumer culture. The first section introduces the origin and develpoment of American consumer culture. The second part of this paper shows three characteristics of consumer culture which are the pursuit of material possession、psychological comarison and excessive consumption. The third part emphatically analyzes how American consumer culture is reflected in Sister Carrie. This part introduces interpersonal relationship of Carrie, then mainly analyzes the influence of consumer culture on the fate of characters. The fouth section shows the impact of consumer culture on American life. The big gap between the rich and the poor is a serious problem in their hedonism. In addition, the.develoment of new women has faced new challenges. The last part ends with a summary of this paper.



3. 国内外研究现状

In modern times, consumer culture originates from America in the early 1900s. From then on, consumer culture had an unprecedented impact on people#8217;s lifestyle and awareness. Someone thinks consumer culture has replaced life and turned into new dominant analysis style in the developed capitalist society, so that the United States enters a new era of development different from the past. Many writers start to analyze consumer culture. Dreiser, an American writer, chose the point of consumer culture and created the novel called Sister Carrie which attacked the American values and consumption custom. It is easy to see from the novel that American society has already transformed from Puritan austerity to hedonism at that time. Ma Chunhua (2015) wrote a paper called Sister Carrie: A Material Pursuer and thought Carrie was totally a material pursuer, and what mind were material things, in other words, she just needed money she does inevitably concerns with money. She focuses her mind which can buy whatever material things he wants. Pan Hailin (2006) wrote an article called The rise of American consumer culture in 1920 and put forward that under the influence of this kind of values, people has to show conspicuous consumptions to prove that they have a status and get the general acknowledgement in this society. In a sense, the establishment of new values is the most profound cultural source of American consumer culture. For them, consumption is not only a material pursuit, but also a symbol of identity. In the article of Peeking American Values from the Consumer Culture of the United States, Liu Lu (2011) put forward focusing on the material enjoyment, unlike Chinese who spend most of their earnings on storage. These authors#8217; views show that the American hedonism and American desire to consume have reached a high level.

4. 计划与进度安排

In November,2022: Read this novel,Search information,Analyze the background of creating this novel and make an outline In December, 2022: Determine the contents and methods of research In January, 2022: Analyze writing techniques and meanings of novel and American social status In February, 2022: The first draft is completed and improved In March, 2022: Finalize the paper

5. 参考文献

[1]Chen Jing. The Disillusioned American Dream in the Context of the Consumer culture[D].郑州大学,2007.

[2]Hanying Yu. A Brief Analysis of Sister Carrie#8217;s Character[J]. English Language Teaching,2010,3(2):.

[3]Helen OuliaeiNia,FatemehTorkiBaghbaderani. Consumer Culture in Theodore Dreiser#8217;s Sister Carrie[J]. Studies in Literature and Language,2012,4(1):.

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