1. 研究目的与意义
It is necessary for men and women to communicate with each other every day, which is called cross-gender communication and it#8217;s actually a form of cross-cultural communication. Gender cultural differences lead to the differences on communication rules, communication styles, communication strategies between men and women. Obviously, these differences will cause difficulties to cross-gender communication. Only when people acquire a proper understanding of the conversational rules and strategies of both genders can we reduce the possibility of misunderstanding and conflicts, thus the research of gender differences is of great realistic significance to cross-gender communication. Therefore, based on former researches and daily materials from life, the thesis analyzes gender differences in communication from a cross-cultural perspective in order to help people have a full understanding of cross-gender differences. What#8217;s more, this thesis will have some theoretical and practical implications to provide some suggestions to facilitate the successful communication between males and females, and problems aroused in cross-gender communication can be easily solved.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
This thesis is intended to make clear gender differences in communication from cross-cultural perspective, compare the gender differences in communication and analyze the factors that formed the differences. Also, there are some suggestions for effective cross-gender communication. The thesis is aimed to improve the ability of men and women in cross-gender communication, and reduce the errors of cross-gender communication.
OutlineChapter Ⅰ. Introduction1.1 Definition of Terms 1.1.1 Gender 1.1.2 Gender Culture 1.1.3 Cross-Gender Communication 1.1.4 Cross-Cultural Communication1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 A Brief Review of the Study1.4 The Organization of This DissertationChapter Ⅱ. Gender Differences in Communication2.1 Static Analysis 2.1.1 Pronunciation 2.1.2 Intonation 2.1.3 Vocabulary2.2 Dynamic Analysis 2.2.1 Questions 2.2.2 Interruptions and Overlaps 2.2.3 Tentative Expressions 2.2.4 Aggressive Expressions 2.2.5 Discourse Control 2.2.6 Conversational StrategiesChapter Ⅲ. Cause of Gender Differences ----Gender Subculture3.1 Feminine and Masculine Communication Cultures3.2 Construction of Gender Cultures 3.2.1 Communication Among Family Members 3.2.2 Recreational Interaction Among ChildrenChapter Ⅳ. Cross-gender Miscommunications and Suggestions4.1 Cross-gender Miscommunications4.2 Suggestions on How to Improve Cross-gender Communication in Intercultural Context 4.2.1 Accepting Gender Culture Differences 4.2.2 Learning to Be Tolerant and Respect 4.2.3 Learning to Be Open and Flexible 4.2.4 Providing and Seeking Translation CuesChapter V. Conclusion
3. 国内外研究现状
In China, the gender language began in the late 1970s, mainly about the introduction of gender culture, analysis and analogy of gender language in the English filed. In fact, the study of gender language and culture firstly was a part of sociolinguistics, Chen Yuan wrote a book Language and Social Life (1980). He wrote, #8216;language is a kind of social phenomenon, language is not the upper construction and the economic foundation, it is a sort of tool or transportation means by people, through which people can communicate with each other. Or in other words, language is a medium among people to communicate the thoughts and minds.#8217; Later, in Modern Sociolinguistics (1997), Xu Daming held the view that the linguistic differences between males and females exist in phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar. The differences are and will exist where there are differences in social status between males and females. Beginning from the 1990s, most applied methods from other fields, such as philosophy, psychology, pragmatics and semantics, providing more solid basis and broadening the scope of research. However, compared with the study in the West, the research on gender language is still on the initial stage. In the West, in the early 20th century, many scholars and sociolinguists did various kinds of research concerning gender and language by focusing on different orientations. The Denmark linguist O. Jespersen was known as the first man to study the gender language from linguistics. And he said that social and historic causes depended on the differences in language and that male language is the elegant and proper language, and the language spoken by females was far from perfection. With the development of feminist social movement and the growth of the sociolinguistics in America in the 1960s, the relationship between gender and language has attracted a lot of attention from more and more scholars. But it is not until the 1960s and the 1970s when Lakoff''''''''''''''''s well-known study Language and Women#8217; s Place discussing the English language and forcing on the differences between men''''''''''''''''s and women''''''''''''''''s speech, linguists began to carry out systematic researches on gender differences in communication. In the 1990s, there was a significant increase in the number of gender differences in communication. Tannen researches gender differences more deeply on conversation styles. Her book You Just Don#8217;t Understand: Men and Women in Conversation was published in 1990. She claims that there are gender differences in ways of speaking, and we need to identify and understand them in order to avoid mistakes, she asserts that the basic use of conversation by women is to establish and support intimacy; for men it is to establish status. She also notes that men tend to interrupt more and be more resistant to asking questions.
4. 计划与进度安排
The essay is divided into five parts. Chapter one is the introduction of the thesis, at first, it defines several key terms, such as gender, gender culture, cross-gender communication and cross-cultural communication. Then it tells readers the significance and literature review of the study, describe the organization of this dissertation. Chapter two is the major part of the essay, which tells readers gender differences in communication from static and dynamic analysis. Static analysis is the analysis of gender language itself and its grammatical structure, while dynamic analysis is the analysis of typical gender discourses and their features. And there are various kinds of differences in each analysis. For example, in static analysis, I analyze differences of pronunciation, intonation and vocabularies between men and women in cross-gender communication. While in dynamic analysis, I have prepared some cases in special situations to analyze. Chapter three analyzes cause of gender differences in communication from cross-cultural perspective. This part shows that many frictions arise because boys and girls grow up in what are essentially different cultures, so talk between men and women is cross-cultural communication. Chapter four shows cross-gender miscommunications and put forward four suggestions on how to improve cross-gender communication in intercultural context. Chapter five makes a summary of the essay and the expectation that this paper can improve the ability of men and women in daily communication.
I will complete the draft before March 1, and complete the second draft before April 10. Then modify and finish the final draft before May 16th.
5. 参考文献
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