A study on the impacts of cultural differences on Sino-U.S.Business Negotiation开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:09:29

1. 研究目的与意义

In this day and age, China has become oneof the largest economies in the world. The increasing international businessbetween Chinaand the other countries has contributed to the growing need for cross-culturalnegotiation skills. In spite of myriad of opportunities brought by the increasinginternational business, the unprecedented growth of international business has alsoresulted in more face-to-face negotiations between people with different cultures,which poses challenges to people too. To facilitate better internationalbusiness negotiations for both Chinese negotiators who negotiateinternationally and foreign investors who operate in China, it is necessary to do aresearch on the impact of cultural differences on negotiations. As American isour largest trading partner, the author tries to take a preliminary study onhow negotiators from these two cultures are influenced by their own culturesduring the negotiation, in hope that more people will do more extensiveresearches.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper will first make a comparison ofthe two cultures, which will provide the background to understand the culturalfeatures of the negotiation process. Then it will compare the Chinese andAmerican negotiation styles through case study from a cross-culturalperspective in order to find some culturally based reasons of success andfailure in the business negotiations. In doing so, this paper aims to helpnegotiators from both China and America have a better understanding of the characteristicsand differences of the two cultures, to minimize the unnecessarymisunderstandings and to facilitate corporation and communication incross-cultural negotiations.


3. 国内外研究现状

An international business negotiation isdefined as deliberate interaction of two or more social units, originating fromdifferent nations that are attempting to define or refine their interdependencein a business matter. This includes company-company, company-government, andsolely interpersonal interactions over business matters such as sales,licensing, joint ventures, and acquisitions(Weiss,1993:270). Although there are a number of definitions of negotiation, it isperhaps most useful to define it as win-lose negotiation which refers to adistributive negotiation. In a distributive negotiation situation, the goals ofone party are usually in fundamental and direct conflict with the goals of theother party. Resources are fixed and limited, and each party wants to maximizehis share of the resources. As a result, each party will use a set ofstrategies to maximize his share of the outcomes to be obtained. Distributivenegotiation is basically a fight over who is going to get the most of a limitedresource. Whether or not one or both parties achieve their objective upon thestrategies and tactics they employ (Walton and McKersie,1965). One of the mostimportant theories was proposed by Gerard Irwin Nierenberg in his book, The Art of Negotiating, in 1968. Thebook''s premise follows his belief that negotiation is a skill, not an inheritedtalent, so everyone may benefit from advancing their own negotiation skilllevel. Forbes named Nierenberg #8220;The Father of Negotiation Training#8221; for hisexploration of negotiation strategies and tactics as well as his decades ofwork disseminating the philosophy that #8220;in a successful negotiation, everybodywins.#8221; He published 22 books on the subject, and in 1966 he founded TheNegotiation Institute where he began a legacy of government, corporate, andnon-profit organizational reform based on his ideas of how negotiation impactsthe lives of everyone. Meanwhile, most experts and scholars believe that negotiatorsfrom different countries have conflicts on the basis of their respectivecultural assumption. This premise is proved to be true in the process of theSino-US business negotiation, where culture differences frequently lead todifferent purpose, styles, and behavior pattern. So a success of internationalbusiness activities lies in an agreement reached between corporations.

Itthen leaves us the question: What is culture? Many scholars have doneresearches on it. Anthropologist Edward Hall (1976) believes that culture couldbe divided into high-context culture and low-context culture based on whether themeaning of communication comes from context or from language. Culture, as otherdefinitions suggest, represent a system of tangible components, as well asintangible factors. Values as #8216;conceptions the desirable#8217; represent the core ofany culture (Rokeach, 1973). Lin Yutang (1989), one of the most influentialChinese writers put forward the concept of cultural integration in which hebelieves that a person or a group''s language and/or culture come to resemblethose of another group. The term is used to refer to both individuals andgroups, and in the latter case it can refer to native residents that come to beculturally dominated by another society. A number of cross-cultural negotiationstudies draw on Hofstede#8217;s (1980) model of national culture. This was initiallydeveloped in terms of differences in values and belief regarding work goals.Hofstede#8217; model outlines a four-dimensional framework of uncertainty avoidance,individualism, power distance, and masculinity. These four dimensions showmeaningful relationship with important demographic, geographic, economic, andpolitical national indicators. (Trandis, 1982).

4. 计划与进度安排

Chapter 1 introduction

1.1 Reason and purpose of study


5. 参考文献

[1]Gudykunst,W. Kim, Y. Y.). Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication, 4th ed. New York:McGraw Hill.

[2] Gerard I. Nierenberg, NegotiationExpert, Dies at 89,#8221; The New York Times.24 September 2012

[3] Hall, Edward, T. Beyond Culture. Anchor Books (December 7, 1976). ISBN978-0385124744

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