1. 研究目的与意义
As a student of English major, understanding western culture is essential for us. Western culture contains a lot of content, such as art, music, literature etc. As my point of view, the most requisite part on western culture is literature. So I choose literature as the direction of my study. Someone once said that #8220;Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret.#8221; When I was in high school, I started to read some books about vampire. This image of vampire is very attractive. It indicates the religion and people#8217;s requirements on physical and mental in western countries. With the passage of time, the image of vampire has also undergone changes. Through this aspect, a good chance is given to me to know more about western culture.The America writer Anne Rice, as the founder of vampire, her product Vampire Chronicles contains twelve books. This series of books across the French revolution#8217;s disorder, through the Rome era#8217;s extravagant; reach the ancient Egyptian Dynasty#8217;s cruel and magnificent. Lots of images of vampire were portrayed in these books, such as Lestat, Louis, Claudia, Magnus, etc. From these images, maybe you can see yourself. Although they are vampires, theirs#8217; emotion and action influence readers to think more about themselves. These vampire images also become the symbols of western culture. We can feel the charm in western culture through these vampire images.Above all, I choose #8220;An Analysis of Vampire Images in Vampire Chronicles#8221; as the topic of my thesis.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
This thesis will research the vampire images in Vampire Chronicles by analyzing theirs#8217; images through religion, philosophy, noology, sociology. The key problems to be solved are how to acknowledge the writer#8217;s intention and how to connect the vampire images with historical environment. Chapter one is the introduction. In this part, I will introduce the vampire tale in western culture first, than introduce Anne Rice and her works. Chapter two will analyze about different vampire images from different aspects. The last chapter will draw a conclusion on the meaning of these vampire images.
3. 国内外研究现状
Interview with the Vampire was made into a film in 1994. Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt act the vampire Lestat and Louis. It changes the demon image of vampire. People start to know that vampire is not a demon, they have humanity and difficulties. Vampire is noble. The Queen of Damned was made into a film too. This film describes the queen of vampire, highlights about the female psychology. The main character Akasha is the first vampire in the world. The director Michael Rymer pays attention on Akasha#8217;s mental activities. Since 1976, Visit the Vampire had aroused a hot discussion. Many critics had opinions that Anne Rice gives vampire another life and breaks the tradition to talk about social problems. The researcher of contemporary American vampire culture William praised #8220;Rice is the first writer who gives vampire emotion and personality.#8221; Indeed, the vampire before Anne Rice was just a monster. Jennifer Smith wrote Anne Rice: A Critical Companion. In this book, Jennifer Smith analyzed the theme, character and the plot. Linda Badley wrote the book Writing Horror and the Body: The Fiction of Stephen King, Clive Barker, and Anne Rice. In this book, she admired Anne Rice#8217;s ability on describing vampire appearance and spirit. James Kohl wrote Anne Rice and Sexual Politics. In this book, James analyzed homosexuality. These books all research the vampire images in Anne Rice#8217;s books and focus on the influence in America.In China, the fans of Anne Rice often focus on journal entry; they just only express their feelings and thoughts. For example: Su Yunxin, a student from Peking University, in her article The Novel of Vampire--Another Change for Ourselves, she put forward her own views on the existence of vampires.
4. 计划与进度安排
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The general description of the study1.2 The creator of vampire--Anne Rise1.3 The brief introduction on Vampire ChroniclesChapter 2 The vampire image of religious perspective2.1 The origin of vampire2.2 The vampire and Christian 2.2.1 The religious in vampire#8217;s eyes2.2.2 The vampire#8217;s own religious2.3 Vampire#8217;s opinion about good and evil2.3.1 The definition of good and evil2.3.2 The contradiction between good and evil in Vampire#8217;s heart2.2.3 The relatively on vampire#8217;s good and evilChapter 3 The vampire image of the philosophy perspective3.1 The embarrassed between life and death3.2 The meaning of chasing life3.3 The liberation of the dilemma between life and deathChapter 4 The vampire image of the sociology perspective4.1 The emotion of anti-society4.2 The expression of heresy-- homosexual4.3 The query about mainstream cultureChapter 5 Conclusion
5. 参考文献
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