Cultural differences between China and America from the comparison of dietary elements开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:09:35

1. 研究目的与意义

As an important communication tool, language does not exist independently. It is not only a kind of universal existence in human society, but also as a whole with culture. Language and culture are interdependence, mutual influence. Language is an important carrier of culture, and culture plays an important role in language. In order to learn this language well, we need to study the culture of the country deeply. Generally speaking, culture can be divided into the surface culture which includes food, clothing, shelter, transport, etc and the deep culture which includes world outlook, values, etc. The surface culture constitutes the whole of everyday life, but it is influenced by the deep culture. The former mirrors the characteristics of the latter. The rich and colorful diet elements in Chinese show the Chinese delicate diet, philosophical thinking and in English reflect the American direct thinking and valuing the practicability. Therefore, by comparing the two countries#8217; food cultures, we will see the two countries#8217; different core values mirrored by their different food cultures. It can enhance our communicative awareness and competence, and deepen our understanding of our country#8217;s culture.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

In this paper, I willcompare and analyze Chinese and American food culture by using comparative study of the system.

First of all, in the American and Chinese diet survey, this paper detailed analyze and compare the diet culture, manners, ideologies, diet habits and so on. By comparing these aspects, I want to discuss and explore the spirit and the ideological connotation behind the culture appearance. Therefore, by comparing the two countries#8217; food cultures, we will see the two countries#8217; different core values mirrored by their different food cultures. It can enhance our communicative awareness and competence, and deepen our understanding of our country#8217;s culture.。


Chapter Ⅰ. Brief introduction

1.1 Research meaning


3. 国内外研究现状

In recent years, great achievements have been made by scholars both at home and abroad in the studies of cultural differences between China and America.

At first, from the perspective of intercultural communication, Hu Wenzhong talked about the great differences between Chinese and Western countries in terms of banquet etiquette. Also, Sun Xiao put forward the exchange of food culture reflected in all aspects of our daily lives. The author takes Ang Lee''''''''''''''''s film and television works as the breakthrough point, and explains the differences between Chinese and American food culture in daily life from the aspects of food, cooking and eating.

At second, from the point of view of value, Sun Bo talked about when to attend the banquet, the Chinese people''''''''''''''''s 'late' and Westerners 'on time' is due to the multi time system and the concept of a single time .


4. 计划与进度安排

Research Programme:

1. Making sure what I am interested in and what I want to write, then according to my practical condition, confirm the theme and the title of my paper

2. Collect information as much as I can on the Internet and in the library, which is related to compliment responses, including its definition, examples, books, papers, journals.


5. 参考文献

[1] Food in Chinese Culture: Anthropological and Historical Perspective. . 1977

[2] Food and Culture in America. Pamela,Katheryn. . 1998

[3] The Hidden Dimension. Hall,E. T. . 1990

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