1. 研究目的与意义
For each nation which with a long cultural history, there is always the original mental spirit, that is the rudiment of literature: Mythology.
Mythology refers to the limitation of the low level of productivity of ancient human, they can not explain the nonego and their own scientifically. With the help of imagination and fantasy, they personified the forces of nature and social phenomenon, and use ancient poetry or prose as a carrier to illustrate the origin of the world, natural phenomena, social life and legend of the mysteries of human life.
Mythology is a cultural heritage, but also a national consciousness heritage. Mythology is the most ancient cultural heritage of mankind, is the original source of world literature, is also the main carrier of primitive peoples#8217; view of nature, view of society and belief. It is the rudiment of human collective unconscious and has a profound and lasting influence on the formation and development of national spirit. Until today, it still effect modern people#8217;s life.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
As a collection of explanatory stories, mythology is a vital feature of every culture. Many sources for mythology have been proposed, ranging from personification of nature or personification of natural phenomena, to truthful or hyperbolic accounts of historical events to explanations of existing rituals. Although the term is complicated by its implicit condescension, mythologizing is not just an ancient or primitive practice. A culture''s collective mythology helps convey belonging, shared and religious experiences, behavioral models, and moral and practical lessons.
Although the mythologies of each nation express is the same basic content and the answer the same question, but due to the different geographical environment, different development process, making the national culture and the basic spirit of a far cry. Through the comparison of Chinese and western mythologies, we can deeply feel the cultural origins of different nation and it contained cultural spirit,as well as the far - reaching influence of this culture on later generations.
In this paper, by comparing Chinese and western mythologies to analyze the cultural differences between them, is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction of the background, a brief introduction about the origin of Chinese and western mythologies and the cause of the differences. In the second part focuses on analysis reflect the cultural differences of mythologies, such as mental differences and the differences reflect from the man-made mythologies. The third part is the reflection on the differences to compare Chinese and western national character, political system, etc. We can introspect our deficiency from it and raise our cultural accomplishment. The fourth part summarize the full text, generalize the cultural differences from Chinese and western mythologies. Put forward the view that we should absorb the foreign excellent culture continually to enrich our own views.3. 国内外研究现状
Xu Xingyan said in the #8220;Comparison between Chinese and western culture#8221;, mythology is about the various stories of god, their appearance is miraculous and supernatural, but its nature has specific historicity and nationality.
In the 'Analysis of the Differences between Chinese and Western Myths', Li Cuiping expounded the differences of the image of god, god on opposite and the unity of heaven and man, ethics and freedom of personality to express the differences of Chinese and western national spirit. About the reasons for the differences between the Chinese and western mythologies, Yang Ze considered it caused by geography, history, religion and belief and several factors. In #8220;Talking about the ideological root of different Chinese and western mythologies#8221;, He Peng thought the differences were related to the geographical environment, the life style and the time of mythologies. Yin Xiaoyu deemed that Chinese culture focus on harmony, ethics is the highest, western culture focus on personality, exploring wisdom in the article 'Mythologies and legends reflecting in the differences between Chinese and Western cultures'.
Mythological research in the 20th century presents a multi-perspective, multi-genre situation. On the comparison of Chinese and Western mythologies, academic circles believe that both of them cannot scientifically explain the natural phenomenon at that time, and their creation can not do without man''s productive labor.4. 计划与进度安排
1. Introduction
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