Symbolism of Moby Dick开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:09:56

1. 研究目的与意义

Moby Dick is one of the representative works of Herman Melville. It#8217;s an encyclopedic novel covering history, philosophy, religion and whaling. In this work, Herman used symbolism technique with great success. And this paper is devoted to finding out the symbolism used in Moby Dick and analyses the meaning and function of them. In former study, the scholars concentrated more on the symbolism of characters and the whale Moby Dick. But this thesis focused not only on the characters and the whale, but also on the symbolism of color. And by comparing the white whale and the black savage man, this paper discussed the racial attitude showed in Moby Dick, which will fill in the blanks for the study on the symbolism of color.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The novel describes Captain Ahab''''''''s revenge on the whale Moby Dick with a series of stories, and ends up in all characters'''''''' death and Ishmael''''''''s servive. This paper aims to analyse the purpose and the meaning of this novel. This paper analyses Moby Dick by symbolism technique and is divided into five parts: symbolism of the whale, symbolism of the colors and the symbolism of the characters. Chapter one is the introduction part, which tells the background of this novel and symbolic technique. Chapter two is mainly about analysing the function of the whale in the novel. Chapter three is about the importance of the color in this novel and aims to find the racial meaning in the color white and black. Chpter four tells us the function of the main characters and their symbolic meaning. Chapter five mamkes a summary of the essay and the finding of the study.

3. 国内外研究现状

Chinese scholars#8217; study on Moby Dick is concentrated on recent 40 years. The comparative study on The Story of the Stone, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Moby Dick which is written by Yuliang Zhou opened Chinese#8217; comparative study on Moby Dick. These comparative studies emphasized on different points, thus divided the studies on Moby Dick into different directions. Some emphasized on the relationship between people and the nature, some focused on symbolism and the literature ambiguity. These studies formed the 1980s#8217; Chinese study on Moby Dick, which laid the foundation of Moby Dick#8217;s early study. The study among 1990s began to concerning modernity, symbolism and tragedy in the novels, and scholars read the novels in different levels of cultural interpretation and comparative analysis. For example, Melville and Moby Dick made a macroscopic analysis on Moby Dick by using artistic features, descriptive technique and the observation on subject. Other studies focused more on finding the humanitarian in the complicated plot. During 21st century, most scholars adopted some modern western theories such as psychological analysis, post colonialism, archetypal criticism, cross-cultural study and so on. In this period, the studies on Moby Dick began to take on a prosperous look.

4. 计划与进度安排

OutlineⅠ Introduction 1.1 Introduction to Herman Melville and his works 1.2 Introduction to Moby Dick 1.3 Introduction to the theory of symbolism Ⅱ Symbolism of the whale 2.1 The symbolic meaning of the whale 2.2 The reason of choosing whale 2.3 The function of symbolism of the whale Ⅲ Symbolism of the colors 3.1 The symbolic meaning of colors in Moby Dick 3.2 The reason of choosing these colors 3.3 The function of symbolism of the colors Ⅳ Symbolism of the characters 4.1 The symbolic meaning of characters in Moby Dick 4.2 The reason of choosing these characters 4.3 The function of symbolism of the charactersⅤ Conclusion

5. 参考文献

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