Sexism Phenomenon in English开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:10:10

1. 研究目的与意义

The study of the sexism in language has been highlighted as a hot issue in the linguistic domain for long. Language is a mirror of the society; it can reflect the culture and the social reality. Sexism phenomenon in English is very common. We can find it in many English expressions. But linguists are more likely to pay attention to the relationship of language usage between male and female. When the woman#8217;s liberation movement took place, the linguists paid more attention to the semantic derogation of the women.

This thesis is aimed to reveal the sexism in English through analyzing the phenomenon of gender discrimination in English. After that, the thesis will analyze the reasons of it. And also, it will make some advice on how to reform the phenomenon. This thesis can let people pay more attention to the neglected perspective of the language study and let the usage of English get into a more fair level.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper is focus on the sexism phenomenon in English based on the theory of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. It says that not only people#8217;s perception of reality can affect language but also language can influence people#8217;s perception of reality. So to some extent, some language difference may show sexism. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis discovered that linguistic features of sexism have three aspects: morphological asymmetry, lexical asymmetry and semantic asymmetry.

There are some key problems need to be solved. First, reasons of the sexism should to be found. Second, it is necessary to put forward some advice on how to change the phenomenon.

3. 国内外研究现状

Great achievements have been made by scholars both at home and abroad in the studies of sexism in language. Theoretical study on the notion of linguistic sexism began in the 1960s and 1970s. At the beginning, the emphasis was laid on the relationship between women and language, especially the image of women that appears in the linguistic practice. Studies on linguistic sexism, also referred to as #8216;grammar and gender#8217; studies(Pauwels,1998)

In the last century, the American linguists Edward Sapir and B. L. Whorf put forward the hypothesis that language not only expresses thought but also conditions it. Women#8217;s movement which started in the late 1960s and early 1970s, mainly in the English-speaking countries. Feminist scholarship began to study the issue of sexism in language, and more generally, women#8217;s relationship to language started in the mid-1970s.

Since the 1980s feminism has stimulated further research on women#8217;s ways of using language and the extent of differences between the sexes and their use of language. There some books relevant to the study. Language and Women#8217;s Place (Lakoff,Robin, 1976): this work discusses language used to describe and define the sexes, and identifies features of #8220;women#8217;s language#8221; in the text of women#8217;s devalued status. Dale Spender wrote a book called Man Made Language in 1980. This book presents an exciting wide- ranging feminist study of language, its rules and uses. The author argues that for women, language is man-made, for it encompasses the meaning of man who have arrived at their definitions of the world from a position of dominance, a position which women as a group do not occupy. Frank, Francine and Frank Anshen wrote a book called Language and the Sexes in 1983. It provides an overview of the topic that is well researched and while scholarly in nature, is quite readable. The book analyzes language to reveal society#8217;s disparate views and treatment of the sexes, and explore some ways in which our language mirrors the sexism in our society.


4. 计划与进度安排


1.1Definition of the sexism

1.2Theoretical Basis---Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis


5. 参考文献

[1] Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae Nancy Henley. Language, Gender and Society [M]. Rowley Massachusetts:Newbury House Publisher Inc.1983

[2] Carrol, J. B. (ed) Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf[M]. New York, MIT Press, 1956.

[3] Coates, Jennifer. Women Men and Language[M]. London: Longman, 1986.

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