Analysis of Double Narrative Techniques in Mrs. Dalloway开题报告

 2022-08-13 14:33:43

1. 研究目的与意义

Intraditional novels, there is often a central character and a time line. Whilein Mrs. Dalloway, we can have aninsight into the juxtaposition of two characters (Septimus and Clarissa) andtwo different narrative time and space. The presentation of the two characters’different thoughts and feelings towards war and the society enables us to lookdeep in the writer’s inner world as well. Through their eyes, we can discern thelife of people from different social class and their sorrows and pains. Theworld seen by the sane and the insane helps dramatizes the contradiction. Inaddition, transformation of time and space provides readers with a chance toexplore the real and the illusory. In conclusion, the double narrativetechniques add vitality and artistic brilliance of Mrs. Dalloway.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Theessay aims to probe into Woolf’s ingenious application of double narrativetechniques. Chapter one mainly focuses on the juxtaposition of two charactersof different social status. Two parallel worlds seen by the sane and the insanewill be presented. The cohesion of the two strands at the end of the novelhelps deepen the theme ------ Septimus died as the scapegoat of Clarissa. Thesecond and third chapters include two time modes and two narrative space. Chronologicalorder in the surface structure and the anachrony in the deep structure helpintertwine the real and the illusory. And the physical space and thepsychological space can help construct characters and reveal their inner truthrespectively. In the last chapter, the profound functions of double narrativetechniques will be included.

3. 国内外研究现状

Since the publication of Mrs. Dalloway, literature field has paid much attention to exploring the novel with many different theories from various aspects. It was rated as one of the best English novels in 1923-2005 by Time magazine.


4. 计划与进度安排


1. The combination of two strands in narration

1.1 Juxtaposition of two characters


5. 参考文献

Abel,E. (1989). Virginia Woolf and the Fictions and psychoanalysis. Chicagoand London: University of Chicago P.

Bazin,N. T., amp; Jane H. L. (1991). “Virginia Woolf’s Keen Sensitivity to War: ItsRoots and Its Impact on Her Novels.” Virginia Woolf and War. Ed. Hussey,Mark. New York: Syracuse UP, 14-39.

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