A Deconstructive Study of Gosses Father and Son开题报告

 2022-08-13 14:34:07

1. 研究目的与意义

The significance of the study lies in both theory and practice.Theoretically, it not only enriches the research against the patriarchy in thiswork, but also puts forward a new viewpoint of studying the anti-traditionalcharacteristics from the perspective of deconstructing the relationship betweenmale and female. In practice, by studying the combination of fact and fictionin this work, it is helpful to inspire biographers to break out of the dilemmaof a litany of facts and express their own personalities.

First of all, this study is meaningful to have a deep understanding of thevariable relationship between Gosse and his father. Although this work iswidely recognized for its bold attempt to degrade father, and the author iseven hailed as a patricide, it is ignored that Gosse’s attitude towards hisfather is unstable, developing from obedience, to suspicion and finally torebellion. Compared with the previous study which only focused on the typicalcases Gosse criticizing his father, this study can not only reveal the collapseof patriarchy step by step but also show us what terrible effect the patriarchyhas made to the son.

Furthermore, this study hasan advantage of making an analysis of two important female characters who aretalented and independent of men. Both the original mother and the stepmotherare of distinctive personality. The former put two younger brothers throughCambridge University by writing articles; the latter enlightened author withfresh ideas of literature and art. Unfortunately, it is the opposition topatriarchy and religious oppression that have always been emphasized while thefemale characters have not been given sufficient attention. Thus, it is meaningful to study the anti-traditional features of this workfrom the perspective of deconstructing the relationship between male andfemale.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Based on Derrida''''s theoryof deconstruction, this paper intends to reveal the anti-traditionalcharacteristics of Gosse’s Father and Son through the analysis of three binary oppositions, which are father and son,male and female, fact and fiction.

3. 国内外研究现状

A group of critics have conducted researches on the relationship betweenthe father and the son since the publication of the book in 1909. And theaspects from which the critics analyses the book can be divided into twocategories: ethics and literature.

For critics who analyzed Father andSon from the perspective of ethics, they paid much attention to theresearch on Gosse’s bold attempt to revolt patriarchy. They considered Gosse asa patricide (Bai, 2009). Scholars in favor of this opinion believe that Gosse hasOedipus Complex (Freud, 1913) which is also called Patricide Complex, and it isdefined as the desire to kill one own father. What could be the possiblereasons for this phenomenon? Bai Lizhen answered this question with the help ofPsychoanalysis Theory (Freud, 1899). He believed it was the traumaticexperience in adolescence that led Gosse to rebel against his father. In thefirst place, as far as Gosse was concerned, his birth was not welcomed by hisparents and he was “unspotted from the world” (Gosse, 1907), as a consequenceof which Gosse became depressed. In the second place, the father imposed hisreligious belief on the son and forced him to give up the dream of literature,resulting in Gosse’s intense resentment. However, Gosse had no courage to rebelagainst his father directly in a patriarchal society. Not until 20 years afterthe father’s death did Gosse write down a fictional biography to “kill hisfather” (Li, 2009). In addition, Gosse did complain about his father in asubtle way. For example, Paul Schmidt (1934-1999) observed that Gosse made useof metaphor to connect his father with the ignorant and tyrannical subjects,thus to satire the father’s ridiculous belief in Protestantism.

Nevertheless, the critics above are only concerned about adverse words inthe book but indifferent to make a comprehensive analysis of the overallcontext. Since they intend to find detailed evidence that reflects Gosse’srebellion against his father, they hardly notice that the author does hold anunstable attitude toward to his father. Next, blinded by the prejudice againsta “ridiculous” father, they neglect the good qualities of the father and hiscare for his son.


4. 计划与进度安排


Introduction to Edmund Gosse and His Works

Introduction toFather and Son


5. 参考文献

Bernard,I. (2019). Losing the rapture: escaping from fundamentalist Christian belief. Mental Health, Religion amp; Culture,7, 56-73.

Edwards,J. (2001). Edmund Gosse and the Victorian nude, 51 , 29-35.

Kathy, R.(2016). Reading Edmund Gosse’s Father andSon (1907) through a Dickensian Lens. 33(3), 223-243.

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