论主体自主学习能力对英法双语学习效果的影响 A Study on the Influence of Autonomous Learning Ability Upon the Academic Performance of English-French Bilingual Learners开题报告

 2022-08-23 11:57:18


1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

Literature Review

Nowadays,the term “Autonomous learning ability” is quite widely discussed in the fieldof language acquisition. In recent years, scholars from home and abroad havedevoted themselves to studying the correlation between "autonomouslearning ability" and other factors such as "second languageacquisition", "self-efficacy" and " academic achievement".In the past, the definition and characteristics of autonomous learning abilitywere discussed by experts like Holec(1981) and Zizzerman(1989). To be morespecific, the term "Autonomous learning ability" was first introducedby Henri Holec in his masterpiece Autonomy of Foreign Language Learning. Hedefined "Autonomous learning ability" as the ability to takeresponsibility for one’s study in the learning process. From then on, thenumber of researches studying "Autonomous learning ability" keeps onincreasing. Till the late 1980s, several significant achievements had beenachieved by western scholars. Our domestic researches on autonomous learningability, however, were not carried out until the 1990s. But a lot ofachievements have also been made by experts and scholars in the past fifteenyears. For the time being, there are a great number of domestic researchstudies relating to the autonomous learning ability, such as the empirical oneswritten by Li Heng(2016), Xu Jingfen(20122014).


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

ContentsIntroductionChapter OneTheoretical bases for autonomouslearning ability1.1 Background of autonomous learningability1.2 Definition of autonomous learning ability1.3 Theoretical bases for autonomous learning abilityChapter TwoAutonomouslearning ability and its importance2.1 The necessity of developing autonomous learning ability2.2 Factors affecting autonomous learning abilityChapter Three An empirical study on English-French bilingual learners' autonomous learning ability 章标题的实词都要大写首字母3.1 research methodology3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.4 Data collection3.5 Results and analysis3.6 Summary of the research3.7 InterviewsChapter FourImplications and discussion4.1 Teacher's role in developing autonomouslearning ability4.2 Students' attitude towards autonomous learning ability4.3 Learning strategy training autonomous learning abilityChapter FiveConclusion5.1 Summary of the study5.2 Limitations BibliographyAppendix

Research purpose

This paperattempts to find out how autonomous learning ability could affect the academicperformance of bilingual learners. In order to assess bilingual learners’ levelof autonomous learning ability, the author refers to the Autonomous EnglishLearning Scale(AELS) which is based on three aspects, namely, self-managinglearning ability, psychology of autonomous learning and autonomous learningbehavior. After making some modifications to cater for the subject,questionnaires were distributed to senior students majoring in English and Frenchin a key university in China. The students’ TEM4 and TFS4 scores are also takenfor data collection. According to their TEM4 and TFS4 scores, students aredivided into four groups. Combining the results of questionnaires and theiracademic scores, significant differences in autonomous learning ability arefound among those four groups of students.


3. 研究计划与安排

Before1st January : settlement of the title

Before 1st March: submission of theoutline

Before 15th April : submission of thefirst draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] Holec H. Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning [M].Oxford:Pergamon, 1981. (First published 1979, Strasbourg: Council of Europe).

[2] Little D. Learner Autonomy: Definitions, Issuesand Problems [M].Dublin:Authentic, 1991.

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