1. 研究目的与意义
With the rapid development of economic globalization, people have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under the policies of reform and opening to the outside world. Business negotiation plays an important role. Business negotiation is a complex communication activity, which requires both parties to adopt negotiation skills and language strategies flexibly to establish business relationships, communicate and negotiate to reach an agreement, achieve ideal win-win effects.Hedges are used widely in business negotiation, influencing the communicative results. Business negotiators must have the accurate language expression ability during the business activities. Hedges can help to express ideas suitably however, although Chinese and foreign scholars have done many researches in different contexts, there is still some space for the research on hedges in business negotiation.This thesis firstly introduces hedges in details including the studies at home and abroad, and based on the illustration of pragmatics, from the three aspects: cooperative principle, politeness principle and the face theory, it states the pragmatic study of hedges. In the final part of this thesis, it concludes that the application of hedges in business negotiation should guarantee the realization of cooperative principle, politeness principle and protection of faces with the aim to make business negotiation go smoothly, to realize the goals of negotiation and to achieve good communicative effects.The author hopes that this research will provide some guides for business negotiators. It will let negotiators know more about the business negotiation. Therefore, they can use appropriate languages to establish a harmonious relationship and finally facilitate the business negotiation and have a win-win ending.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
研究内容: Hedges are used widely in business negotiation, influencing the communicative results. Business negotiators must have the accurate language expression ability during the business activities. Hedges can help to express ideas suitably however, although Chinese and foreign scholars have done many researches in different contexts, there is still some space for the research on hedges in business negotiation. Based on the cooperative principle, politeness principle and face theory of pragmatic theory, this thesis states the pragmatic study of hedges, concludes the functions of hedges applied in business negotiation.关键问题:1. How hedges will affect business negotiation?2. Based on the pragmatic theory, how to apply hedges into business negotiation? 写作提纲:1. Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Purpose2. Literature Review2.1 The Definition of Hedges2.2 The Study of Hedges Abroad2.2.1 Zadeh#8217;s Fuzzy Set Theory 2.2.2 Lakoff#8217;s Study on Hedges2.2.3 Other Foreign Scholars#8217; Studies on Hedges2.3 The Study of Hedges at Home2.3.1 Wu Tieping#8217;s Study of Hedges2.3.1.1 Calculation of fuzziness2.3.1.2 Classification of Hedges 2.3.2 Other Chinese Scholars#8217; Studies on Hedges3. The Pragmatic Study of Hedges3.1 Hedges and Cooperative Principle3.1.1 Cooperative Principle3.1.2 Study of Hedges within the Framework of the Cooperative Principle3.2 Hedges and Politeness Principle3.2.1 Leech#8217;s Politeness Principle3.2.2 Hedges within the politeness Strategy3.3 Hedges and Face Theory3.3.1 Brown Levinson#8217;s Face Theory3.3.2 Study of Hedges based on Face Theory4. Functions of Hedges Applied in Business Negotiation4.1 Application of Hedges in Business Negotiation4.2 Functions of the Usage of Hedges in Business Negotiation4.2.1 Strengthening the Effect of Being Cooperative4.2.2 Ensuring the Effect of Being Polite4.2.3 Realizing the Effect of Saving Face4.3 Reasons for Misusage of Hedges in Business Negotiation5. Conclusion
3. 国内外研究现状
Zadeh is the first person who proposed the concept #8220;fuzzy sets#8221; and studied the fuzziness of natural language. The appearance of fuzzy sets symbols the emergence and initiates the development of fuzzy theory. Lakoff is the first person who introduces hedges as a linguistic term. In 1972, Lakoff published a paper #8220;Hedges: A Study in Meaning Criteria and the Logic of Fuzzy Concepts#8221; and defined the term #8220;hedges#8221; as #8220;words whose job is to make things fuzzier or less fuzzy#8221;. Lakoff analyzed hedges from the perspectives of semantics and philosophy. Brown Levinson thought hedges is a negative strategy for speakers or talkers to save face.Coates Cameron define #8220;hedges#8221; as #8220;those linguistic forms which are used to indicate the speaker#8217;s confidence or lack of confidencr in the truth of the proposition expressed in the utterance#8221;.Scholars in China also have done some researches on hedging since 1980s. Several linguistics, like Wu Tieping and Zhang Qiao have published their studies.Considering most of the studies overseas and at home, we can find that nearly all the approaches of hedges can be classified into two fields: semantics and pragmatics.
4. 计划与进度安排
Oct. 23rd, 2022-Nov. 8th, 2022Research ProposalNov. 11st, 2022-Nov. 30th, 2022Opening reportJan. 21st, 2022 First draft of the paperMar. 18th, 2022 Second draft of the paperApr. 30th, 2022Final versionMay. 25th, 2022 Defense meeting
5. 参考文献
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